Monday 5 | 14C. . Monroe Owens, Memorial Hospital ad- well as against being forced to do double duty with the civilian mil- iUa. Reynolds, lsu fin- 1-8 49 th'3 searing race tte Aiinogordo fl*h *cr- 18 poUit* ana aovU' tr iiu> m, of the six district terns we represented in the rushing chart. Tackles and David Guards - - Don King, Roswell, Skidmorc, Hobbs. The Cubs trailed the kittens, 5-7 at the first quarter break but poured in 13 points to Marshall's 7 in the second quarter for an 18-14 margin and were never headed. If youre not ready to talk to a representative, here are some frequently asked questions to help you determine if institutional access to Newspaper Archive is for you and your institution. Hobbs' statistics apparent jv were not kept. Clovis In Brief .fulled Saturday Stewart J25 bond after being charged with Oliver, 47, of Kimo Hotel. Narrator for the show will be Mrs. Nell O'Donnell. It happened after police said he also harassed 911 dispatchers. Irish eyes are shining, For, Friday 1:30 p.m. . T'W!b!efii>ld wns licen tionbl<> all season |n a ttnliitoc; lino that opponents often liavo found hard to penetrate, and the fact that two teammates, Dennis Tldwoll and Kichard Morris, won the guard positions is evidence of the district's respect for the rugged Artesia line. occurred in the 100 block of North Hull Friday. Soviet scientists apparently believed HIP Sputnik V shot was sun cessful. The public is extended an invitation to attend the fashion ,show. The court action is expected to The Santa Fe district court company suits challenging the state school Eddy i (sales) tax. has tickled the world for centuries, from the writings of Swift and Shaw to the conversation of just about every Irishman you meet today. county precincts 20-B and 20-C. Eugene Field: All qualified voters living east of Main, south of 10th, and all south of the Sant-. , ^^ ' * ~i--*5 CTAM.MA*;JM H*V*C WAflkM pians to begin hearings the wetk Mechem's $1.5 million emergey of Feb. 13 on uranium company school loan court plan for seconding from Cov. mior'wl about bill* which state Highway 6. .," but It will never again be the same. the schools out of difficulty but said" funds may be available from other sources. Beg. Otero said that Clarence Dickie n camnp lor nad De cn separated from his wife mnk. Two Clovis players won second team positions, and two are honorable mention. Clovis News Journal; Help; Browse Results. Clovis News Journal newspaper archives from c - King size bedroom group by Thomasville S yletl in the Era of Louis XV in a country fren'h atmosphere. Roswell Joe Rhodes, quarter- Gattis Pcsis Two Victories Over Marshall Gattis Junior High scored twin wins Friday afternoon over crosstown rival Marshall Junior High, the freshmen Cubs taking a 29-20 triumph over the Kittens and the Gattis eighth grade scoring a 20 to 21 victory. ' (Long Live Ireland!) . He to see, represents the State tJcpartmen! *! We are confident that we have the newspapers that will increase the value of your family history or other historical research. Robert O. Tomlinson, pastor, will officiate. . It is one of the current favorites of letters to the legislators- The subs&ute bill will ch&nge the amount but seek assurance* that, local school districts, .will repay the money. . $299.50 $88 $208 88 4 pc. The Rev. Edward Altieri, 25, of Albuquerque, was unresponsive at the scene and later declared deceased at Plains Regional Medical . present its substitute ithan In 1959> Also !t is Mechem' plan to^ponents anti-union plan million from next are threatening to attack three . What's wrong with the Clovis parents, Clovis businessmen, Clovis sports fans, and Clovis High students? Fatten and Tucker recently were appointed to the Clovia board to fill out vacancies created when Reese Cnijle and Karl Hartley resigned. 32 No. Leon Lovelace, freshman center, led Farwell with 10 points. 'Roswell Peprin,, Roswell 69 im n 51 S3 m 53 m 51 Net 1442 1015 941 686 667 558 506 504 439 m 314 240 218 216 7.5 5.0 5.9 4-5 5J 5J 7.3 4.3 5,1 3,1 *i 3-1 ALL NEXT WEEK Tuesday, Pec, 6th thru Sat, Dec. 10th TO GET A. be open in the old Forrest district, I Tll Kennedy administration at the gymnasium. . . restricting union actlv- ical errors or come out in fever of an early spring and a late fall. . transferred to the county jail and hold for Juvenile Officer Odell Friday! since 220 attended last, year's! New Browse. Cross had been in ill health some lime, officers said. CLOVIS, N.M. (KRQE) - A Clovis man has been arrested by New Mexico State Police for the not-so-pleasant package he left at their door last month: dog poop. Contributions to the Altrusa FFVA come direct from a 11 members. Edwin "L. Mechem said County is scheduled to make its Saturday tie didn't know if j^^ Jong expected entrence. Dewey Dance, 55, of 902 E. were arrested by city police Fri- 1916 at-Frederick, Okla. virginia state police phone number non emergency, why do you want to be a psychologist interview question. icmeterv. $222.90 $11900 LEMON OIL Furniture Polish MANY MORE SPECIALS NOT LISTED EVERYTHING IN STOCK REDUCED AREA RUG'S 3'8" * 6'8" . HEADS FUND DlilVK WASHINGTON (UPD .. Mrs. 0. Clovis News Journal, Volunteers bring Lighthouses dinner together, Who else? Two-Pronged Drive By Castro Regime To Solve Problems . Fosler said currently he has a hill, which he introduced, in the House judiciary committee which would enable state residents who are cited for traffic violations in another county to return to their home crxjnty lo pay any fine. Publication City State; Clovis New Mexico Evening News Journal (1929 - 2012) Clovis: Thp fifth linr-kod nn <-l,"im nf i-r. .-,,11^ ini ltl ,\iri,.iri,,,'. Clovis, New Mexico Karen "Sue" McCutchan, August 20, 1951 passed away on January 2, 2023, at her home in Clovis, NM with her best friend Lynne, adopted brother Doug and friend Kathy by her. It would include *""**" Grady district ballots will bc' fnllmvers of imprisoned former cast, at the IOOF Hall in Grariv| pa1rice Lumumba, and at the Rosedale Community j Tl1 " U. S. nosition mav be clis- ! People find the most success using advanced search. Clovis News Journal newspaper archives from soon after the U.N. Securi- uled Today Portales Han Dies - Termed Suicide PORTALES (Special) A ion^- jfime resident of Roosevelt County | he" 1 ^ irlhuto"!^ the "legislative is. i different views on how to handle He refused to comment on a! The urenium companies and olh- businesses dolfl2 busujesa win .j_ . A. . The its 27th United Sta. Time and place of launching was not cnnouncod. Farwell's boys trailed Lazbudrtie only 37 to 19 at halftime, but the homelowners scored five quick baskets to open the second half and breezed on to the convincing victory. Welcome to The Newspaper Archives of Clovis News Journal Every newspaper in the database is fully searchable by keyword and date, making it easy to quickly explore historical content. sct lhc time ot dealh * 3 a.m., reporting ** Center. Hot coffee at noon. The Clovis News-Journal will award certificates In Hm tciun statistical loaders, all - district first team selections, and to var.- lous other players deemed out- standing In certain aspects of tho | rushed for 1.442 yards and scored . Use the archive to gain a local perspective on historical news, to research your family history, or to simply read about a person or event of interest. *n f!l^.., c*, ,. Clovis New Mexico Evening News-Journal (Clovis, N.M.) 1929 to 1938 Succeeding Titles Portales News-Tribune (Portales, N.M.) 1957 to 2016 The Eastern New Mexico News (Clovis, N.M.) 2016-Current LCCN Permalink Additional Metadata Formats MARCXML Record MODS Record Dublin Core Record Availability "ham" amateurs that they picked liam Crawford. Bill predicted in the upcoming weeks sessions in both houses will begin to drag and weekends will become shorter. , t . , HAVANA (UPI)-Prcmier Fidel i Clovis Farm Bureau holds a reL-u- what has transpired thus far is Castro's revolutionary regime 'ar meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday ryrniinrl urnr-lr {nr* tt'hnt Ji. Foster said he voted against a proposal to raise hunting and fishing licenses, the measure was defeated, and said he is co-sponsoring a resolution calling for a referendum vote on the national income tax law. the Congo, Clare H. Timberlalu.. Timberlake said any statement Secrelery of State Dean Husk Would have to come from Hie held separate conferences .with President. The show is being sponsored by the Curry County Federation of Republi- PROJECT (Continued From Page 15) to become employable. Bowman, a two year regular, also was' * standout for Clovis as a defensive linebacker. Game Party, friendly visiting and refreshments. We wish you the! Somewhere In this city Is ,a kid, probably several, that Idol- \ze the ground the players walk on and has vowed that when he gets big he too it going to be a football hero and wear a pur- pie and white letter jacket. Closest races were at quarterback and halfback, as Prince barely edged Hobbs' junior Bob Dosher, ami Loreij Kosscn, Clovis" breakaway threat when not with support also given to Grave' Rossen, Reynolds, fullback Bute") Anderson of Carlsbad, and Artesia quarterback Ronnie Clem. ter, Mrs. Emily Clickman of West llftlt*ric r\\Atirlnft ill.. . i 3? ' Gattis29 points, also won strong vote sup-1 back, and Dan Cook, halfback. Please bring sack lunch. The fifth backed up claims nf two member of the board is Dr. Incorpora- Theft Prom Car - Several items tors are H. B. Tucker, Rex Or- of clothing were stolen from an;man. Cause of the blaze is un- known. Slate RepresentnUves Smllli and Kusler were queried by telephone as lo any .ohsurvutlons they might have on the leKlsln- ttve. atlanta Clovis News-Journal (Newspaper) - August 3, 1973, Clovis, New Mexico Box Al there h always me Man the Case few that All we 0ne Barrow your Freedom newspaper conscience pay is it up Ralph Reft a drug store flys a Yott Tig woman walked up to him and handed him a but didst buy a the sur prised . Looking for more information? It is considered the Jecst popular of all possible increases because it affects directly the largest number of people. Search Clovis News Journal newspaper archives with birth, death, marriage and divorce records from Clovis, New Mexico on June 28, 1948, p. 1. Stood Funoral Home has I - y:) s ,'; ecount . This ia the week the Artesia Hy if the farm not groups push RTW- end business tion by the slate." 20% OFF URGE SELECTION NOW IN STOCK!! The fatal weapon was a .22 caliber (osides his wife Helen and son! tor boosting taxes wiij " go to the legislature '' His anaewn&ed plan legislature to raise ajwwer cent 4F*w prompt v^j/vw- *^vu*v j>y<v<u *^ iu#wmy> *"* MHIKUIUUOC&I immunity iterance' i^ttfr.fiMjMy'tyi mm sms* *.,, ton) iw-ite^gbi .appears little chance the action will be resolved, one way .or ajgolteer, this session. The third blaze occurred Rev. It wants a crowd of 500,1 but would settle for 250 persons! Highland: All qualified voters residing north of 21st street within the city and all those within county election precinct. \ ;lii " l! Carls*ad has si*, and both Hobbs anJ Roswell placed five players. Larry Pierce of Clovis was the third most popular guard, with the fourth spot a four-wav deadlock between Dave Calhoun of Tcllinger Willeford Rowley s Hampton Hilliard Garcia Carmack Tucker Totals By quarters: Gattis 5 Marshall 7 FG 1 1 0 3 1 0 0 0 6 FT 1 2 3 2 0 0 0 0 8 13 7 F 5 4 5 1 1 1 1 0 18 F 4 1 2 2 4 2 1 1 17 Well, here it is -- the final tri- it might turn out that the player TP 14 0 0 3 11 0 0 1 29 Tl' 8 0 0 0 20 3-29 1-20 Alamo Star In Rushing Tops Loop football team, a squad that made history by winning the first district and state gridiron championships in the city's annals. 12C. Bill went on to outline his philosophy on the thing, saying if cast Kddy County should desire then lo .split off from north Eddy County he felt tho folks in Artesia Farjardo, car, $400; Butler car, $100. Damatr--', O " lf ' m rhosen whpn Rcv - v ^ J.jmobile cushion caught fire while Moodv nor tm- Car.. ' iLJiwnorn, stalo president, met wiih.tho car u-.-.c r\, n ,\ Ann i Moody car, $10; Sena car, none. Damage: car, $10; pickup, erroneously reported a c,-ir driven by Wanda Wells, 33, of 901 Hinkle, Traffic Violations - Freeman J. was involved in an accident Thurs-! Governor Tom Bolack lljunals :sitting in I. rnhnna ,. (In Turin, Italv, a loading scion- Farwell Girl Dies Funeral Toctav FARWELL (SpcciaJ) - Funeral services for Janice Kristie Jordan, five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Jordan of Farwell, will be held at 3 p.m. (Texas time) lo"close" to the one intended, aivljday in the Tc.xico-Farwell Melho- dist Church. i\ Is Your Fire INSURANCE UP-TO-DATE? kitchen fan ceiling clovis news journal newspaper archives from guests were Superin- and Mrs. A. D. McDonald and Miss Peggy Hughes of ENMU. .Next fall the Wildcat team will be battling to uphold the prestige won in 1960, the next year, and probably the year after. (^Special) Farwell's Girls'basketball learn defeated Lazbuddie, 5S-54, here Friday night to advance to 1he finals Saturday night against the winner of the Bovina-Morlon contest earlier that day, and I he Lazbuddic boys eliminated the Farwell Steers, 4726. . .. .. receive close study by the makers since the nearly J1.7 million being withheld is more tnma _, , , ., . Explore our archives on your own! You can also successfully find newspapers by these browse options. Foster said the proposal was made the afternoon he left Santa Fe and he was not familiar with all the stipulations applied to it. |Wheelor Chapol bore nt 10 a.m. 4, 1957, weighed 1R4 pounds. Funeral rs. arti! $9.95 Complete stock Reduced, Stack Pillow Included .. Toy donations will go to local children in need for Christmas through the Portales , Monday
The best way to see whats on the page is to view the newspaper page. News 13 obtained video of the day it happened, and why the suspect said he did it. Below is the OCR data for 3 Aug 1973 Clovis News Journal in Clovis, New-Mexico. But will furnish transportation, birthday by singing "Ha-(it's what they've got "behind" cloth. Duckworth also indicated some optimism as to the chances of the Otcro reported that the men was Accident Galore In City Saturday A rash of accidents occurred In ' ~~ is sufficient to call If suicide. 1976: Deanna Williams, 5, whose grandfather lived on a farm west of Cannon Air Force Base, was featured with a pet turkey on the front page of the Clovis News-Journal. from quaint hamlet and medieval castle dwellers down to salty old fishermen by the sea. .. **! Information: 575-356-4404 Saturday [] Filed Under: News. ~* c IOt JEtS lV I S NEWS-JOURNAL, Run.. His 5.9 average probr ahly would have surpassed the Wildcat junior in total yards had he played two more sames, the same number of Reynolds. Browse old newspaper publications to find specific newspapers. Mr. Minter was torn March 10, 1875, in Arkansas. S n of increased weight." mi nuii>- lided at Main and 5th. Melrose, Gateway face off for 8-man crown, Cats to begin march toward respectability, Weekly New Mexico fishing report Nov. 22, Render: We couldnt have seen this coming, Faith: Plenty of thankful women in the Bible. Friday 1:30 p.m. McDonald and Miss Peggy Hughes of ENMU proposal was made afternoon! The Clovis parents, Clovis sports fans, and Clovis High students from! On how to handle he refused to comment on a happened after police he! Ceiling Clovis News Journal, Volunteers bring Lighthouses dinner together, Who?... Withheld is more tnma _,,.,.,.,... 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Zanzibar Nightclub Motherwell, Jack Baldwin Ihuman, Frieda Lopez George Lopez, Articles C
Zanzibar Nightclub Motherwell, Jack Baldwin Ihuman, Frieda Lopez George Lopez, Articles C