One cannot blame Rebekah for the choices her children made or lay all parental blame on her. Say: When Sarah grew impatient waiting for God to give her children, she also told her husband to marry her servant girl. Impatience and lack of trust made Rebekah interfere with God's plan. God never changes. Rebekah was assertive and fought for what she believed was right. However, a long time later, Abimelech saw Isaac showing love to his wife, and he told Isaac to tell the truth, which he did confess that Rebekah was not his sister, but his wife. As soon as you find the verse, stand up. Pokerrrr 2 Web Version, Isaac, despite God's will, wants to give the blessing to his son, . Hold up a candy bar in one hand. Yet it obscures the fact that those family stories include strong female characters, the matriarchs. I will give you and your children after you the land on which you are lying. Teugels, Lieve. The boys were very different from each other. A large stone was on the well's mouth. 2. When Isaac was old, his eyes were so dim that he could not tell his sons apart by sight, he prepared to bless the elder son Esau. The first wrestling match ever recorded was in the bible when Jacob "wrestled" an angel. Rebeccas Character. Isaac loved Esau because he ate of his game, but Rebekah loved Jacob." No one comes to God unless God draws him or her to Himself (John 6:44). God can select whom He pleases. Genesis 27:43-45 Now therefore, my son, obey my voice; and arise, flee thou to Laban my brother to Haran; . Along with the help of his mother Rebekah, Jacob deceived his father in order to uphold the covenant. Is Divorce And Remarriage After Abuse, Neglect, Financial, Or Emotional Issues Okay. They will spread out to the north and to the south. The Bible says that no one looks to find God on his own (Romans 3:10-11). Carol Meyers God then proceeds to answer her in a most amazing way. Likewise, Jacob paid for his deception by having to leave his home. Meyers, Carol. Pages 5. Sad that her father had to trick someone into marrying her, sad that she was married to a man who didnt love her. Reporteros De Telemundo San Antonio, Niditch, Susan. Jodi is part of the Childrens Ministry team at Grace Fellowship Church, outside of Atlanta. Web. Rebekah teaches us by reverse example. The next day the servant requested to leave with Rebekah, but her family protested that she should stay ten more days, then she could go, but the servant pleaded with them, so they decided to ask Rebekah what she wanted to do and she decided to go then. Then the servant had a second son named Naphtali. Now it came to pass, when Isaac Who makes the plaid blue coat Jesse stone wears in Sea Change? When Isaac became old and he could not see, he told Esau to gather food for him so that he might bless his son, but Rebekah wanted Jacob to receive the family blessing instead. Jacob was wise to recognize that God was in control of whether or not Rachel had children. I will watch over you everywhere you go. Retrieved from Obviously, Isaac engaged in underhanded operations as well. The Lord saw that Jacob didnt love Leah as much as he loved Rachel. Jacob, another of Israel's great patriarchs, fathered 12 sons who became heads of the 12 tribes.One of his sons was Joseph, a key figure in the Old Testament. Let's look at our map again . 1:3-8)?.06 what tactics did jacob and rebekah use to get the blessing from isaac? Laban ran out to greet his nephew. Also noteworthy is that the language used in reference to Rebekahs journey from Mesopotamia to Canaan, and in anticipation of her role as progenitor of countless offspring, echoes that found in the Abraham narratives (compare Gen 24:4, 38, 60 with Gen 12:1 and 22:17). The Art of Biblical Narrative. It was about 500 miles from where they were living in Beersheba. Jacob was given the birthright and the blessing because it was the will of God for him to have them. Abraham dispatches a trusted but unnamed servant to Mesopotamia, the land of his birth and where some of his family still resides, to find a wife for his son. As Rebekah is pregnant she starts to feel turmoil within her womb! We will see that in the years that followed, the two sisters suffered greatly because of Labans deceptive plot. did rebekah ever see jacob again1990 donruss baseball cards errors. She named her son Joseph. While we were still sinners, God sent His Son to die for us, to make the way for us to be right with Him (Romans 5:8). The servant came to a well and prayed that the next young woman who came to the well and gave him water would be Isaac's wife. Rebekah's faith. After the well incident, Rebekah brings the servant home, enters into the marriage arrangement, and sets off to meet her future husband. My son, go to Haran, go to Paddan-aram. Rebekah also ultimately ended up making a tremendous sacrifice in order to ensure Jacob received Isaac's blessing, for she never saw Jacob again in her lifetime. So He let Leah have children. - Genesis 28:13-15. Since Jacob was smooth and Esau was hairy, Rebekah told Jacob to wear a fur, which Isaac would mistake for the older boy's hairy skin. Sin always extracts a greater price than the benefit anticipated. We and our partners store and/or access information on a device, such as cookies and process personal data, such as unique identifiers and standard information sent by a device for personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, and audience insights, as well as to develop and improve products. When Rebekah died, she was buried in the family tomb, a cave near Mamre in Canaan, the resting place of Abraham and Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, and her daughter-in-law Leah. But Rachel had never had a child of her own. Laban was very glad to have his nephew with him. He sent his servant to the city of Nahor to find her. JacobThe Righteous Deceiver. Rebekah was Isaac's wife and Jacob and Esau's mother. Spurgeon suggests that the reader not be too hard on Rebekah for her misguided actions. Battle Of Calais, 1944, Isaac was gentle, too gentle to encounter opposition. Both he and Rebekah were true believers according to Spurgeon, but Isaac sinned in that he was forgetful of the mind of God. Both of them were guilty of this sin. God searched for Adam and Eve after they sinned. Main Point: God is faithful to keep His promises, even when people fail. Stansell, Gary. And he said, These are to find grace in the sight of my lord. And he looked, and saw a well in the field; and behold, there were three flocks of sheep lying by it; for out of that well they watered the flocks. Once again, as God's "providence" would have it, Rebekah hears (from an unmentioned source) of Esau's plans to kill Jacob as soon as Isaac dies. We don't know whether Rebekah ever shared with Isaac God's prophecy about Jacob, but if she did, then it is hard to see how Isaac was operating in faith here. Let us know. So she became jealous of her sister. Indeed, Jewish tradition in general elevates her, considering her a righteous woman and even a prophet. Take the bandana (hiding the broccoli) in your other hand, and place it over the candy bar. Show the route from Beersheba, north to Paddan Aram. She had twins inside her, Jacob and Esau, and they were evidently struggling together within her, per 25:22. A house divided against itself cannot stand (Matthew 12:25). Answer. "When the boys grew up, Esau was a skillful hunter, a man of the field, while Jacob was a quiet man, dwelling in tents. May He give you children. A curse of an unexpected sort did result for both Jacob and Rebekah: their scheme forced Jacob to leave his father and mother ; the Bible gives no indication that Rebekah ever saw her favorite son again. 1. . All nations on earth will be blessed because of you and your children after you. But Rachel wasnt able to have children. The fracture in this family did not happen in a vacuum it had been coming for some time. She has also spent many years mentoring Middle School and High School girls. What is the moral lesson of at wars end by rony diaz? Rebekah Her life, personality, and legacy is intricately and irretrievably woven within the fabric around the Bible's most extraordinary men: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. In Genesis 33, even after Esau forgives Jacob, neither man will accept a gift from the other. Answer: This question is covered in Genesis 27. She said to Jacob, Give me children, or Ill die!, Jacob became angry with her. Then Jacob obeyed his parents and departed (Genesis 28:1-2). When a parent believes God needs help establishing His plans and carrying out His will, her children learn that God is not Almighty. Why Was it Important for Joseph to End Up in Egypt? Laban told Jacob that he could also marry Rachel. However, do not miss the fact that sin always has consequences. Would that be fair? 356. Esau was a hunter who did not care about the things that should have been most important to him. Rebekah's deception caused strife between Esau and Jacob. The Crown has to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt; not "any" doubt (as some people mistakenly believe . 106. May He give you and your children after you the blessing he gave to Abraham. The first person who stands gets to read the verse and wins the candy bar. PDF This week's FOCUS Rebekah (Rebecca) was the wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau. Leah was older, and she had weak eyes. There, Jacob met a man who was a lying cheater, but was even more greedy than himself! [Gen 27:27] So Rebekah and Jacob, both of them sinned in a sense that they did it 'my way'. Rebekah made up an excuse to send Jacob to her brother, Laban, to look for a wife for himself (Genesis 27:41-46). Neither brother would see the other for many years. Furthermore, virtually all scholarly studies and Bible textbooks, until very recently, designated the pre-Mosaic era as the patriarchal period, thereby providing an inherent male bias to any consideration of the family stories of Genesis. May it be that when I say to a young woman, Please let down your jar that I may have a drink, and she says, Drink, and Ill water your camels toolet her be the one you have chosen for your servant Isaac. Many years later, Esau was able to forgive Jacob. Rebekah first watered the camels of Abraham's servant who was sent to find a bride for his son Issac. Jewish Women's Archive. Answer: This question is covered in Genesis 27. No, Rebekkah's deceit caused her to have to send Jacob away, because Esau out of jealousy was going to kill Jacob. Learn Religions. Afterwards, the servant gave her a golden nose ring and two bracelets and he asked whose daughter she was and she replied her father was Bethuel and she offered him straw, feed and lodging in her home. Sadly, Rachel and Leah felt they had to compete for the love of Jacob. Genesis 27:43-28:2. God chooses that which is weak in the eyes of the world to testify to the surpassing greatness of God . The servant came to a well and prayed that the . So, Jacob fled to the house of his mother's brother, Laban. You are only made right with God when you, personally, place your trust in Jesus and believe that He has taken away all of your sin. In time, Abraham died. In His kindness, He gave a son to Rachel. Jacob continued on his way to Canaan. What kind of blessing did Isaac manage to give Esau? They will spread out to the west and to the east. Even before they were born, Rebekah could feel the twins fighting with one another in her womb. The clothes would fool what was left of Isaacs vision and also tricked his sense of smell, since Isaac smelled the smell of his garments (Genesis 27:27). Did Jacob ever see his mother again? Someone intervened again to protect Jacob. (Genesis 27:2-4) Isaac s action alerted Rebekah and she conspired with Jacob to seize Esau s birthright. He came to a well near Haran. Presumably Rebekah never gets to see her son again. Help us elevate the voices of Jewish women. We have seen this over and over in Genesis. She was the daughter of Bethuel son of Milkah, who was the wife of Abrahams brother Nahor. Indeed, when Rebekahs favored son, Jacob, is sent to Mesopotamia to secure a spouse and escape from Esau, he identifies himself to his future bride (and cousin) Rachel not as the son of Isaac, but rather as Rebekahs son (Gen 29:12); his paternal ancestry is eclipsed by Rebekahs lineage. Get More Inspiration Delivered to Your Inbox, A New Look at the Powerful Women of the Bible. Plus we can only imagine how this deception impacted Isaac and Rebekah's relationship moving forward. (Genesis 27:42-43). by Rebekah was mentioned by Paul in one of his letters to the churches in Romans 9: 10-12 about Rebekah being conceived through their ancestor Isaac and God's answer to Rebekah's prayer by saying to her "The older shall serve the younger". Moreover, she is the only matriarch to receive a direct message from God (although Abrahams slave wife Hagar also receives an oracle); she inquires of God, who answers her (Gen 25: 22 23). The oldest was Reuben, then there was Simeon. How do you think the plot made his older daughter, Leah, feel? After hearing Rebekah's story, her brother Laban ran out to greet the servant and he invited him to stay at their home. Show Haran on the map. what is the importance of arousal in sports? 2007 All rights reserved worldwide. God came to him in a dream and spoke to him. Rebekah thought Jacob would be away for a couple of years until Esau cooled down and then return. May be reproduced for personal, nonprofit, and non-commercial uses only. Laban had two daughters, Leah and Rachel. She was also the sister of Laban and the aunt of Jacob's future wives: Leah and Rachel . Rebekah favored Jacob. He would never see his mother again. The Lord stood above the stairway. Yet they are unforgettable. We see people when they rely on God, and then rely on themselves. New York: Schocken Books, 2002. Jones has written: 'Does Christianity Squash Women?' 'Germy Blew It -- Again !' 'The complete book of. Copyright 1995, 1996, 1998 by International Bible Society / Used by permission of IBS-STL. (Genesis 24:15, NIV). Honor our husband, rather than deceive him. But Rebekah never saw her beloved Jacob again. 106. more replies. A divine oracle is addressed to her when she is pregnant; God proclaims that two nations are in her womb and will contend with each other (25:23). Like Esau (Genesis 27:41), Rebekah expected that Isaac's end was near.Really Jacob was absent for forty years, and while Isaac lived to see him return, Rebekah saw him again no more. No! When we consider that Rebekah loved and preferred Jacob over Esau, we must remember that the Bible says that God loved and preferred Jacob as well. Jacob was allowed to marry Rachel one week later, but Jacob had to stay with Laban and work another seven years for her. Rebekah is the second matriarch in Genesis and shares two problems with Sarah, the first matriarch: barrenness, and being passed off as her husband's sister. The fifth result, and this is heartbreaking, is that Rebekah is never going to see Jacob again. Shalvi/Hyman Encyclopedia of Jewish Women. Before he finished speaking, Rebekah, who was very beautiful in appearance (Gen. 24: 16) came out and filled up her pitcher, and the servant asked if he could have a drink from her pitcher. Sarah and Abraham. God told her that she had two nations, two people, or two sons within her womb and that one (Jacob) would be stronger than the other (Esau). Genesis 27:6. This is especially true for Rebekah, whose position in the second generation of ancestors is actually more prominent than that of her spouse. There is no record that Rebekah ever sees Jacob again, but her actions do yield a rich reward for the future nation of Israel. Rebekah. In Mothers of Promise: Women in the Book of Genesis, 4162. 23b; Gen. R. lxiii. Since Jacob was wearing Esau's clothes his father believed that he was with Esau and he gave the blessing to Jacob.. Why Rebecca Pushed Jacob to Get Esau's Blessing | My Was Rebekah a Good Mother to Jacob and Esau? PDF THE STORY JACOB: THE TO PADDAN-ARAM - When Esau discovered Jacob and Rebekah's deceit, he planned to kill Jacob. May the Mighty God bless you. Several shepherds were at the well, waiting to water their sheep. He told her who he was, and Rachel ran home to tell her family about him. Adelman, Rachel. They had no confidence to communicate openly and honestly with one another. 6. When the boys grew up, Jacob tricked his older brother into selling his birthright for a bowl of stew. -Rebekah wondering about her pain. . Isaac was forty when he married Rebekah. Verse 27. When Jacob woke up, he was amazed at the things God had said. Laban and Bethuel then allowed Rebekah to go and the servant praised the Lord and gave Rebekah silver and gold jewelry and clothes and he gave gifts to Laban and her mother. Her trickery led to a split between the brothers that has caused turmoil to this day. Laban even accused his son-in-law of conniving and kidnapping (Genesis 31:26-27). Jacob was overjoyed to meet his cousin. Thus, by suggesting the ruse that achieves this, Rebekah is carrying out Gods will. Rebekah had an answer for everything: Isaac was blind so he couldn't see who it was, Jacob would wear Esau's clothes so he would smell the same, Jacob would put goat skins on his neck and hands so he would feel hairy like Esau, etc. And Jacob came to Isaac his father to Mamre, to the city of Arbah, which is Hebron, where Abraham and Isaac sojourned. Their Lives Changed the World Their Stories Will Change Your Heart. Unless otherwise noted the Scriptures taken from: Holy Bible, New International Readers Version, (NIrV). Here was a weak point in this godly family. A few male commentators, ignoring frequent instances of deceit by male heroes and the positive role of tricksters in ancient folklore, aver that deceitful women like Rebekah subvert biblical values. When Esau heard that Isaac sent Jacob so far away to find a wife, he realized how much his parents disliked the women of Canaan. Rebekahs dynamic presence in that episode may indicate its origin in womens storytelling, as do certain other features. Who Was Rebekah's Father? Rebekah: "So She Went to Inquire of the LORD" | Trinity Osteosarcoma Hard Lump On Dogs Front Leg Joint. Yet Ryries Notes Say Otherwise. Since Jacob was smooth and Esau was hairy, Rebekah told Jacob to wear a fur, which Isaac would mistake for the older boys hairy skin. She seems to have some input into the marriage negotiations, or at least into the decision about her departure from her homeland and birth family (24:5758). So, Jacob fled to the house of his mother's brother, Laban. Those few days, however, turned into 20 years and Rebekah never lived to see her "favorite son", Jacob, again. Do Those Who Commit Suicide Go To Hell? (accessed January 18, 2023). But, then he agreed to marry Rachel's servant girl. Now then, my son, obey my voice, and arise, flee to Haran, to my brother Laban!'" Obviously, Isaac engaged in underhanded operations as well. - Genesis 29:31. 812 Central Ave, Suite 4 Look at Jacob taking advantage of Esau at his most vulnerable. Answer (1 of 14): "8. (See also the midwives in Exodus 1 and Rahab in Joshua 2.) Was Rebekahs deceit an act of motherly love? In Genesis, Isaac's father, Abraham had been looking for a wife for his son Isaac. He divided the children between Leah, Rachel, and two female servants. This quality helped her become Isaac's wife but caused trouble when she pushed one of her sons ahead of the other. Rebekah, Wife of Isaac. Now its sold over one million copies. Candice Luceyis a freelance writer from British Columbia, Canada, where she lives with her family. The authors were told there was no interest in their devotional for women. Each person must own and repent of his or her sin individually. Rebekah also ultimately ended up making a tremendous sacrifice in order to ensure Jacob received Isaac's blessing, for she never saw Jacob again in her lifetime. So the servant went out and stopped at a well to water his camels and he prayed that God would show him the proper woman for Isaac by allowing the right one to give him a drink and to water his camels for him. Genesis 32:24-28 And Jacob was left alone. (Genesis 25:21, NIV), She was the mother of twin sons, Esau and Jacob, who were the progenitors of two nations New York: Basic Books, 1981. Hes the One who has kept you from having children. - Genesis 30:1-2. Rebekah is an example of what happens when we rely on our own strength instead of trusting the Lord. And Esau said, I have enough, my brother; keep that thou hast unto thyself. They did it according to their own ploys and schemes. Rebekah later became the mother of Jacob and Esau and she helped Jacob deceive Isaac into giving Jacob the family blessing. Then invite him to come get the candy. This incident may signify a reality of maternal dominance, at least in the case of Rebekah, that is too powerful for the androcentric interests of biblical narrative to obscure. If the end were good, the means were bad, and no way justifiable. He sent his servant to the city of Nahor to find her. Zavada, Jack. She bore two sons who became leaders of great nations. Laban later tricked Jacob in marriage and Jacob and his family would leave Laban secretly. The next reference to Rebekah mentions that she was buried in the cave of Machpelah with Abraham and Sarah (Genesis 49:31). Say: Jacob continued on his journey. The designation of Jacob as heir to the ancestral lineage, which means he will be progenitor of all Israel, is orchestrated by Rebekah. Isaac and Rebekah had been told by God before the birth of their twin sons that the older shall serve the younger (Genesis 25:23). 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