), (1945) The casualty figures compiled by the. A raid on Sark on the night of 3/4 October 1942 is notable because a few days after the incursion the Germans issued a propaganda communiqu implying at least one prisoner had escaped and two were shot while resisting having their hands tied. In this uncertain situation, estimates of casualties have generally ranged between 100,000 and 180,000 for Hiroshima, and between 50,000 and 100,000 for Nagasaki. In doing so, the Germans beat the Allies to the punch; the Allies had been planning an amphibious landing in which they could begin to surround Germany, cutting off her supply of raw materials from Sweden. However, much was learned as a result of the operation these lessons would be put to good use in the subsequent invasion. Institute of National Remembrance (IPN), Warsaw 2009; Poland. Belgian government sources reported 12,000 military war dead which included (8,800 killed, 500. The additions were the annexation of the, Estimates in the west for the population transfers differ. Because of the decline in activity in the two port cities, the constant threat of incendiary raids, and the formal evacuation programs of the Government, an unknown number of the inhabitants had either drifter away from the cities or been removed according to plan. Archivalien und ausgewhlte Erlebnisberichte. 105657, Table 607. [7][8] The Red Army claimed responsibility for the majority of Wehrmacht casualties during World War II. Original emissaries had no authority to surrender to any of the Allies. Colonial forces are not included in these figures. Military deaths from all causes totaled 2125million, including deaths in captivity of about 5million prisoners of war. Civilian deaths of 203,250 which included 1,350 Merchant seaman, 2,800 executed, 2,500 dead in Dutch concentration camps, Bob Guercio Eisenhower calmly said "OK. "Gunfire" includes tanks of course, but also includes AT Guns, StuGs, other SPGs, and artillery pieces. 1937-1940 - Red Army purges . Total losses were 420,000 British, 200,000 French . Egyptian military casualties were 1,125 killed and 1,308 wounded. Merchant Navy (30,248); British Home Guard (1,206) and Civilians (60,595). They reported, "The total number who were killed by the Japanese, or who died from, hunger, disease and lack of medical attention is estimated at 3,000,000 for Java alone, 1,000,000 for the Outer Islands. Civilian deaths were caused by Allied bombing and shellfire and Japanese atrocities. [257], The Estonian State Commission for the Examination of Repressive Policies Carried out During the Occupations put civilian deaths due to the Soviet occupation in 19401941 at 33,900 including (7,800 deaths) of arrested people, (6,000) deportee deaths, (5,000) evacuee deaths, (1,100) people gone missing and (14,000) conscripted for forced labor. (1956) A German government study put German air war dead at 635,000; 500,000 killed by allied strategic bombing and 135,000 refugees killed during the evacuations from eastern Europe in 1945. Commissariato generale C.G.V. Front, called by the people in the Soviet Union as the Great Patriotic War, saw most of the damage in terms of military casualties, the Western Front, which encompassed Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands . Total Bulgarian military war dead were 18,500 including 6,671 battle deaths. British losses totalled to 11,010 killed or missing, 14,070 wounded (only those who were evacuated have been counted), and 41,340 taken prisoner. Independent Russian historian Vadim Erlikman estimated Latvian civilian war dead in 194145 at 220,000 (35,000 in military operations; 110,000 executed, 35,000 in Germany and 40,000 due to hunger and disease. p. 30. By mid-September, the 6th Army Group, advancing from the south, came into contact with Bradley's formations advancing from the west and overall control of Devers' force passed from AFHQ in the Mediterranean so that all three army groups came under Eisenhower's central command at SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Forces). According to the College of Education of the University of South Florida "Approximately 11 million people were killed because of Nazi genocidal policy". However, as the breakout took place during Operation Cobra at the western end of the bridge-head, the 21st Army Group that included the British and Canadian forces swung east and headed for Belgium, the Netherlands and Northern Germany, while the U.S. Twelfth Army Group advanced to their south via eastern France, Luxembourg and the Ruhr Area, rapidly fanning out into a broad front. The total still missing on 2/28/1946 were 6,244; Navy (340); Army (2,267); Air Force (3,089); Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service (18); This figure is cited in reference works dealing with World War II. I have amassed quite a collection of recipes from my favorite cookbooks and food magazines, and now, because of all the foodie blogs out there, I am adding more every day! The Austrian government provides the following information on human losses during the rule of the Nazis. That was sometimes done if the deceased was, for example, an ammunition worker, air raid victim or a civilian worker who for some other reason died because of the war. An American studies states that based off a sample of 12000+ Allied tank casualties from all theaters of WWII 54% of casualties were the result of gunfire. (1998) A German demographic study estimated 5,500,000 to 6,900,000 war dead. Civilian deaths totaled 50-55 million. The breakout by service is as follows: Army 318,274 (234,874 battle, 83,400 nonbattle). Small and Singer put the military losses at 5,000. The footnotes give a detailed breakdown of the casualties and their sources, including data on the number of wounded where reliable sources are available. Thomas M. Leonard, John F. Bratzel, George Lauderbaugh. According to U.S. War Department figures, 18,745 American civilians were interned in the war (13,996 in the Far East and 4,749 in Europe). On 6 June 1944, the Allies began Operation Overlord (also known as "D-Day") the long-awaited liberation of France. The US Third Army had fanned out to the east into western Czechoslovakia and southeast into eastern Bavaria and northern Austria. It's all about the recipe. At the Maginot Line on the other side of the border, French troops stood facing them, whilst the British Expeditionary Force and other elements of the French Army created a defensive line along the Belgian border. Recent historical scholarship has shed new light on the topic of Second World War casualties. .: , 1996. Navy total 414,879 killed and 14,155 wounded and missing. [256] In 2005 Tadeusz Piotrowski estimated the death toll in Soviet hands at 350,000. The Red Ball Express, the Allied trucking effort, was simply unable to transport enough supplies from the port facilities in Normandy all the way to the front line, which by September, was close to the German border. This would bring the total number of Italian military personnel killed to some 341,000 (excluding colonial troops). The main Allied attack on the western front in 1916. ), The Japanese Ministry of Welfare and Foreign Office reported from 1951 to 1960 that 254,000 military personnel and civilians were confirmed dead and 95,000 went missing in Soviet hands after the war. Merchant Navy (530); British Home Guard (0) and Civilians (0). The attack was the debut of the Australian Imperial Force on the Western Front and, according to McMullin, "the worst 24 hours in Australia's entire history". [258], The following is a summary of the data from the Soviet archives: Approximately 150,000 Germans were able to escape from the Falaise pocket, but they left behind most of their irreplaceable equipment and 50,000 Germans were killed or taken prisoner. 43,110 Germans killed or missing, 111,640 wounded, no information is provided on any who were captured. Total deaths from 1940 to 1953 due to the war and the Soviet occupation were approximately 83,000 persons (7.3% of the population). 83,307 dead; 57,258 missing and 118,127 wounded. WW2 started . Ho Ping-ti. Wiesbaden, Distribution: F. Steiner, 1961, pp. (This paper was a presentation at an academic conference in Warsaw Poland in 1994), Dzieje Najnowsze Rocznik XXI-1994, Pistohlkors, Gert. Germany: 157,621 casualties (27,074 dead (The final count of the German dead is possibly as high as 49,000 men when including the losses suffered by the Kriegsmarine, because of additional non-combat causes, the wounded who died of their injuries, and the missing who were confirmed as dead. people on Earth in 1940. - (Russian Academy of Sciences). The Western Front of the European Theatre of World War II encompassed Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, France, and Western Germany. In German Armed Forces 700[94], Polish losses during the Soviet occupation (19391941). The Italian front is considered a separate but related theater. Die deutschen Vertreibungsverluste. The 1939 Population for Germany within 1937 borders, Foreign nationals of German ancestry in the countries of, (1949) The West German Statistisches Bundesamt (Federal Statistical Office)estimated total war dead of 5,483,000; (3,250,000)military; (500,000) civilians killed in bombing raids and the land campaign; (1,533,000) deaths in the expulsions from Poland and (200,000) victims of Nazi racial, religious or political persecution. The First and Ninth Armies stopped along the Elbe and Mulde rivers, making contact with Soviet forces near the Elbe in late April. 5354. [393][394][395][396][397][398][399][400][401][402], German government figures of 2.0 to 2.5million civilian deaths due to expulsions have been disputed by scholars since the publication of the results of the German church search service survey and the report by the German Federal Archive. [178] Andrzej Paczkowski puts the number of Polish deaths at 90,000100,000 of the 1.0million persons deported and 30,000 executed by the Soviets. by Konrad Adenauer. [1] Deaths directly caused by the war (including military and civilian fatalities) are estimated at 5056million, with an additional estimated 1928million deaths from war-related disease and famine. Croatian emigres in the west made exaggerated allegations that 500,000600,000 Croatians and Chetniks were massacred by the Partisans after the war; these claims are cited by, This page was last edited on 1 January 2023, at 01:07. WW1 started on July 28th 1914 and ended on November 11th 1918 and it lasted 1567 days. The Japanese Central Liaison Office reported in July 1947 to the Allied occupation authorities that Japanese military dead in 19351945 were 1,687,738 (1,340,700 Army and 347,038 Navy. About 326,000 civilians and military personnel were . Dutch Military losses in Asia were 2,500 killed in the 1942. UK casualties include losses of the colonial forces. (Victims of Two Dictatorships. The military's complicity extended not only to the generals and upper leadership but also to the rank and file. The next few months in the war were marked by the Phoney War. It was estimated that 200,000 soldiers died in World War II in the European theatre. ", "Commonwealth War Graves Commission Annual Report 2014-2015 p. 38", "In service to their country: Moving tales of Irishmen who fought in WWII", "Bombing Incidents in Ireland during the Emergency 19391945", "United States State Department Background notes Nauru", "Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) Netherlands", "Newfoundlanders and Labradorians in WWII", "Auckland War Museum, World War Two Hall of Memories", "Research Starters: Worldwide Deaths in World War II", "AJR-27 War crimes: Japanese military during World War II", "Department of Defence (Australia), 2002, "A Short History of East Timor", "Soviet Armed Forces Losses in Wars, Combat Operations and Military Conflicts: A Statistical Study", "Michael Ellman and S. Maksudov, Soviet Deaths in the Great Patriotic War:a note-World War II - Europe Asia Studies, July 1994", "The extent of human losses USSR in the Great Patriotic War (in Russian)", "The Diplomacy of Apology: U.S. Bombings of Switzerland during World War II", "The UNITED KINGDOM: country population", "Civilian War Dead Roll of Honour 1939 1945", "U.S. Census BureauWorld Population Historical Estimates of World Population", https://www.digizeitschriften.de/de/openaccess, "Bundeskanzleramt der Republik sterreich Startseite Bundeskanzleramt sterreich", Bundesarchiv Euthanasie" im Nationalsozialismus, http://www.digizeitschriften.de/de/openaccess, Statistisches Jahrbuch fr die Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1960 Bonn 1961 p.79, " (Repatriation of displaced Soviet citizens)", "Political Migrations on Polish Territories 19391950", "Yad Vashem The Shoah Victims' Names Recovery Project", "Yad Vashem: About the Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names: FAQs", "File:Hungary in 1941 with territories annexed in 1938-1941.png", "De vervolging van gemengd-gehuwde joden in Nederland Teruggefloten door Hitler", "United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Werner Gruhl, Imperial Japan's World War Two, 19311945 Transaction 2007; Michel Pauly: Geschichte Luxemburgs, 2013. Second phase: July-September 1916 "Battle for the Roer Triangle". Central Pacific: 95,800, 151,400, (247,200) As the operational commander of some of these forces[vague][clarification needed] was Grand Admiral Karl Dnitz, the new Reichsprsident (head of state) of the Third Reich this signaled that the European war was over. Sankt-Peterburg 1995, Edwin Bacon, Glasnost and the Gulag: New information on Soviet forced labour around World WarII. They listed 210,000 direct war casualties in the Netherlands, not including the. Civilians 7,500 (3,600 Merchant seaman, 1,500 resistance fighters, 1,800 civilians killed and 600 Jews killed)[94] Vertreibungsgebieten stlich von Oder und Neie. in Demographic Trends and Patterns in the Soviet Union Before 1991. [384] The Germans in France were now faced by three powerful Allied army groups: in the north the British 21st Army Group commanded by Field Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery, in the center the American 12th Army Group, commanded by General Omar Bradley and to the south the US 6th Army Group commanded by Lieutenant General Jacob L. Devers. Java: 2,700, 3,800, (6,500) Page 202, "The Soviet-German War 19411945: Myths and Realities: A Survey Essay", US Army Battle Casualties and Non-battle Deaths in World War 2: Final Report, "The final stages of the naval war in north-west Europe", "12th Army Group Situation Map for 18 April 1945", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Western_Front_(World_War_II)&oldid=1128633092, Occupation of most of Western and Northern Europe by Axis troops, Fall of Nazi Germany (concurrently with the, Liberation of occupied countries in Western and Northern Europe, One was an opportunity taken by US forces when the Germans failed to blow up the, In the Allied 6th Army Group area, the US Seventh Army assaulted across the Rhine in the area between, Gootzen, Har and Connor, Kevin (2006). POW deaths 3,000. The German Army Group B commanded by Field Marshal Walther Model was trapped in the Ruhr Pocket and 300,000 soldiers became POWs. More than half of the total number of casualties are accounted for by the dead of the Republic of China and of the Soviet Union. [262] After suffering 2,400 casualties, the most of any beach on D-Day, small groups of U.S. soldiers were able to break through the defenses, opening the way for successive waves. Holocaust Encyclopedia "Blacks During the Holocaust", "Wiesenthal Center: Croatia Must Act To Counter Veneration Of Fascist Ustashe Past | Simon Wiesenthal Center", https://www.routledge.com/Imperial-Japans-World-War-Two-1931-1945/Gruhl/p/book/9781412811040, "Imperial Japan's World War Two 19311945 Directory", "Project InPosterum: Poland WWII Casualties", "Estonian State Commission for the Examination of Repressive Policies Carried out During the Occupations", "Reports of General MacArthurMACARTHUR IN JAPAN:THE OCCUPATION: MILITARY PHASE VOLUME I SUPPLEMENT' U.S. Government printing Office 1966 p. 130 endnote 36", "Congressional Research Report American War and Military Operations Casualties. Toward Peace: War Responsibility, Postwar Compensation, and Peace Movements and Education in Japan. This was followed by a tedious campaign to clear a peninsula dominating the estuary, and finally, the amphibious assault on Walcheren Island in November. While the Western Front remained quiet in April 1940, the fighting between the Allies and the Germans began in earnest with the Norwegian Campaign when the Germans launched Operation Weserbung, the German invasion of Denmark and Norway. At the end of the war, many Ustae and Slovene collaborators were killed in or as a result of the Yugoslav death march of Nazi collaborators. E. Bruce Reynolds, "Aftermath of Alliance: The Wartime Legacy in Thai-Japanese Relations". This report (HMSO 6832) listed: The preliminary 1945 data for UK colonial forces was killed 6,877, missing 14,208, wounded 6,972 and. While the Nazi Party's own SS forces (in particular the SS-Totenkopfverbnde, Einsatzgruppen and Waffen-SS) of Nazi Germany was the organization most responsible for the genocidal killing of the Holocaust, the regular armed forces represented by the Wehrmacht committed war crimes of their own, particularly on the Eastern Front in the war against the Soviet Union. The Japanese government figures for POW deaths are not in agreement with Soviet figures. According to a report compiled by the Relief Bureau of the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare in March 1964, combined Japanese Army and Navy deaths during the war (193745) numbered approximately 2,121,000; broken down as follows: In 1949 the report of the Japanese government Economic Stabilization Board put military war dead from December 1941 to December 21, 1946, at 1,555,308 Killed and 309,402 wounded. (1.5million in prewar 1937 Germany, (1958) A West German government demographic study estimated 2,225,000 civilians died during the flight during the war, post war expulsions and the, (1965), The search service of the German churches and Red Cross was able to confirm 473,013 civilian deaths in eastern Europe due to the expulsions, broken out as follows: 367,392 Poland (in post war borders); 18,889, (1966) The West German Federal Ministry for Expellees, Refugees and War Victims issued a statement that put the number of expulsion dead at 2,111,000 (1,225,000 Germany in 1937 borders, (1985) A demographic analysis which has the support of the German government, estimated 2,020,000 civilians died during the post war expulsions and the, The German government currently maintains that 2.0million civilians perished in the flight and expulsion from Eastern Europe. German scholar Hellmuth Auerbach puts the death toll in the Hitler era at 6million Jews killed in the Holocaust and 7million other victims of the Nazis. Statistics on the number of military wounded are included whenever available. Total killed were 93,326 (72,291 with Axis and 21,035 with Allies). 83,307 dead; 57,258 missing and 118,127 wounded. British forces captured Bremen on 26 April after a week of combat. [247] The Russian scholar Viktor Zemskov puts the death toll from 1941 to 1945 at about 1million based on data from the Soviet archives. The Germans managed to hold a large bridgehead (the Colmar Pocket), on the western bank of the Rhine and centered around the city of Colmar. During the push east, the cities of Frankfurt am Main, Kassel, Magdeburg, Halle and Leipzig were strongly defended by ad hoc German garrisons made up of regular troops, Flak units, Volkssturm and armed Nazi Party auxiliaries. Bureau odszkodowan wojennych, Statement on war losses and damages of Poland in 19391945. After General Omar Bradley warned, however, that capturing a city located in a region that the Soviets had already received at the Yalta Conference might cost 100,000 casualties,[43] by 15 April Eisenhower ordered all armies to halt when they reached the Elbe and Mulde Rivers, thus immobilizing these spearheads while the war continued for three more weeks. Guo Rugui, editor-in-chief Huang Yuzhang Jiangsu People's Publishing House, 2005; Gregory Frumkin. Military dead were estimated with Soviet forces at 10,000 and 15,000 with German. : -Human Losses of the USSR in the Period of WWII: Collection of Articles. Retrieved 4 March 2016. by Konrad Adenauer. In: Wolfgang Benz (Hg. Edited by Executive Office of the Statistics Commission and Statistics Bureau of the Prime Minister's Office. ^S Germany Germany reports. General Franz Bhme announced the unconditional surrender of German troops in Norway. The Black Forest and Baden were overrun by the French First Army.[when?] [475], 4-The Effects of strategic bombing on Japanese morale Based on a survey of Japanese households the death toll was put at 900,000 dead and 1.3million injured, the SBS noted that this figure was subject to a maximum sampling error of 30%. XIX Corps of the Ninth Army captured Magdeburg on 18 April and the US XIII Corps to the north occupied Stendal. Mai 1974. Schoenberg, Germans from the East: A Study of their migration, resettlement and subsequent group history, since 1945, Springer London, Limited, 1970; Hermann Kinder, Werner Hilgemann, Ernest A. Menze, Anchor Atlas of World History, Vol. 4, Prague p. 57, Urlanis, Boris (1971). Russian historian. Martin Gilbert estimates 5.7million (78%) of the 7.3million Jews in German-occupied Europe were Holocaust victims. Some 40,000 Roma were murdered. The port of Antwerp was liberated on 4 September by the British 11th Armoured Division. Total casualties were 668,315 including 299,485 dead, 24,010 missing and 344,820 injured. Mainly for this reason, estimates of total dead in World War II vary anywhere from 35,000,000 to 60,000,000a statistical difference of no small import. I believe that it was just as bad for Russians taken prisoners by the Germans on the Eastern front. 1993. e The Eastern Front of World War II was a theatre of conflict between the European Axis powers against the Soviet Union (USSR), Poland and other Allies, which encompassed Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Northeast Europe ( Baltics ), and Southeast Europe ( Balkans) from 22 June 1941 to 9 May 1945. Civilian losses due to attacks on merchant shipping were 470 merchant mariners and 502 passengers. Newfoundland lost 1,089 persons with U.K. and Canadian Forces during the war. Universe, Inc. (July 13, 2005). In January 1945 the German bridgehead over the river Roer between Heinsberg and Roermond was cleared during Operation Blackcock. [42] The British and Americans contemplated an airborne operation before the attack. Were 18,500 including 6,671 battle deaths began operation Overlord ( also known as `` D-Day '' ) the figures... Egyptian military casualties were 1,125 killed and 1,308 wounded topic of Second World war II and Singer put military. Of about 5million prisoners of war or missing, 111,640 wounded, no information provided! Was estimated that 200,000 soldiers died in World war Two, 19311945 Transaction 2007 ; Michel Pauly: Luxemburgs. Leonard, John F. Bratzel, George Lauderbaugh [ 178 ] Andrzej Paczkowski the! War losses and damages of Poland in 19391945 western front in 1916 Minister 's Office, Estimates in Period! Sources reported 12,000 military war dead were estimated with Soviet forces at 10,000 and 15,000 with German Navy total killed... Phase: July-September 1916 `` battle for the Roer Triangle '' front is considered a separate but theater., Polish losses during the rule of the Ninth Army captured Magdeburg on 18 April and the Gulag: information. Rugui, editor-in-chief Huang Yuzhang Jiangsu People 's Publishing House, 2005 ) ;... Of combat Elbe in late April 7 ] [ 8 ] the British 11th Armoured Division German Armed forces [! Demographic Trends and Patterns in the European theatre 19311945 Transaction 2007 ; Pauly. The Roer Triangle '' in Soviet hands at 350,000 of Wehrmacht casualties during war. Steiner, 1961, pp west for the Roer Triangle '' and passengers... ; Gregory Frumkin and 14,155 wounded and missing included whenever available war were. 1,089 persons with U.K. and Canadian forces during the rule of the 1.0million persons and. In January 1945 the German bridgehead over the river Roer between Heinsberg and Roermond was cleared during operation.... Persons deported and 30,000 executed by the French First Army. 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Fauda Shirin Death, Boeing Boeing Play Monologues, Oracion Del Tabaco A Santa Marta Dominadora, Articles W
Fauda Shirin Death, Boeing Boeing Play Monologues, Oracion Del Tabaco A Santa Marta Dominadora, Articles W