I did not predict Brazil would win the World Cup, you duffer. Maybe I am a bit Gemini. I love your website & this article is a lot of fun. Also Read: Know the impacts of the Sun and Saturn conjunction in different houses. . The females in the card represent the Lionesses, feminism and equality. Argentina is also a cancer, with libra ascendant and capricorn moon. The last 4 world cups have been won by European teams: France in 2018, Germany 2014, Spain 2010 and Italy 2006. Ive said many times, for everything Ive done in my life, I thank God and my family. The woman presenting the cup has a headscarf on that is not covering her head, so you can see her face and hair ( this could also be to do with Iran) interesting , Im going to pull a card. One (horizontal) finger of wine in a tall glass and gassy water to the top. You talk about the Libra moon as the cup is handed over from older male child to a younger girl. Both teams should be proud today, I was cheering the football and would have been happy for either team to win. We did see the line of boys and girls, which was a faithful reflection of the boy and girl in the Six of Cups. An eclipse conceals, it never reveals. Thank you. Rishi Prasad 17K views 1 month ago 6TH PROPHECY TO NIGERIA 231122 || REV OLUWAGBEMIGA OLOWOSOYO. 4 cups in front.. its only a suggestion.. I thought it was such a sweet and beautiful moment between mother and son and was just reminded of it looking at the 6 of cups, especially with the one holding the cup bowing (sort of like a muslim) to a woman he loves with a head covering. I agree with you. The girl is important too. Who currently plays for Dortmund in Germany.England have a few very young top players. Support does not reply to questions about comments as we assume by posting you have read and understand this comment policy. It makes sense to move it from July in the small, very rich, hot nation of Qatar of no footballing heritage, but why December and not January? Thus, as per our astrologers, Argentina shall win the Qatar world cup 2022 and pip France. Tarot Card: Justin Tabari Looking Ahead to 2026, I have started looking at the 2026 eclipses and we will have an eclipse at 12 degrees Virgo a few months before the WC which will conjunct Brazils Sun. Maybe the winning team will make a grand gesture to the women of the world as they receive the trophy? In fact 35 comments have appeared this weekend, as England go home. The Pope is argentinian and 75% off the population is catholic. Argentina is a deeply catholic country and wine country. We had the two number 10 shirts, showing the X on the card. So there are a few big arrows here. Including the captain, Manuel Neuer? The hive mind is now saying Argentina with some brave Frenchies interpreting the red cap in the card as French Revolutionary. Could this be the outrageous, leftfield (Chiron) in the first house of appearances (Aries) and first impressions in a harmonious energy exchange with energy and go-for-it (Mars) in the third house of communication (Gemini). the 5-pointed star (on Moroccan flag) Its highly likely they will win. This is a wildly creative reading of the Six of Cups, I must say. Let me dream a bit Cheers to all. Hi Jessica. Both France and Argentina are considered to be Libra countries. R raghuramastrologer New member Sep 1, 2022 #2 Those players under 25 grew up looking up to Messi, some of them have photos with him when they were just teens. There is a news story that Messi promised to walk a pilgrimage from his hometown in Argentina to the location of one of the saints He also has a tattoo of Jesus, I believe, on his arm. Theres something of the hijabi style in the childrens medieval headdresses also. Yes, kids in Arg drink wine with soda so we used to have what is now called Spritzer. As a young girl growing up in New Zealand, I couldnt sleep the night before football and cricket seasons began where I would play on my school teams for both sports traditionally viewed as mens and boys sports. Brazil was another contender for the sixth cup (literally the trophy and not the final) but here we are! This discussion has been such a lesson about the Tarot for me, thank you for being involved. This website is such a source of information for so many. And on another note, the Tarot. It will be a fitting end to Lionel Messi's decorated career and in terms of a great commentator, 'serves footballing justice' to the God of football. The last 4 world cups have been won by European teams: I must admit I felt more pony and than steel trap as I definitely had brain fog. Thank you. X may be 10 belongs to Messi , VI belongs to sixth time they reach final. Maybe a Female Footballer, Ref or Coach or a Politician. We are also a country that runs on football and alcohol. And how about both Messi and Mbappe wearing the 10 shirt? Argentina has a better record against France than France has against Argentina, which I partly attribute to this Pluto energy. . Check out our analysis and odds to see who has the best chance of taking home the title. It has so far been a fantastic tournament . We have to honour the astrological chart and Jupiter, with all his abundance and good fortune, is favouring religion Pisces on the day. The country in question seems to run on both football triumphs and alcohol. I have the card in front of me and it is the cups, the six of them that stand out. We were looking for a team with a strong equality theme and female presence! France has the blue and red stripes. The commentary even said the players in the number 10 shirt had the X factor. I did actually think of Maradona and God, like you! So pleased you have done this. Hi Jessica, I am new to your site and have been astounded by how accurate you are in your work. freedom. Hello and Welcome to Live coverage of India's second match from the World Cup. If we go back to the astrological chart and that Libra Moon which is always about equality here we have a huge gesture by the two figures, male and female and maybe a member of the patriarchy stalking off. Its a Catholic nation and you love your wine. Who Will Win 2022 World Cup Astrology | 8nplay.com 1 . Is that X actually 10, and so Messis shirt? The man below the tower looks like a guard, like someone who is there to protect the garden or the occupants. The village houses could be Portuguese with the rocky road/pavement. They both had been winners, and both know the game better than anybody else; France in 1998 & 2018 and Argentina in 1978 & 1986. This is a country with some serious property (in the background) but the foreground is occupied by the world cup itself being cherished by a child. The solder in the background in the Tarot card looks like he guards what has been hard won. The Bacchus-South Node conjunction in Scorpio is about alcohol, sex and money so I suspect Qatar wont be showing that! Could this mean that the Final could end up being a penalty shoot out? as this card seems set in medieval times could the cross be referring back to the crusades, perhaps meaning England v Morocco? I dont know if this will be posted or lost in the ether like the other comments I have tried to leave but thank you for the article and your website. If you look at the Croatia flag, it is Red and Blue, just like your tarot card. Maybe the final is Argentina-Morocco. could it be Croatia? Eclipses are something I associate with a cover-up. Thank you. Lets hope whoever wins, football helps to crush the patriarchy globally. Ha, not sure Im psychic, but I do want Messi to triumph. Normally, the head of state or government of the winning nation if present will also take part in presenting the cup to the winning captain. So does Germany win? It will be so interesting to see if our television screens show us the card, symbolically. Argentinas 6 WC final, Messis 5th WC appearance like the 5 petals of the flowers in the cups. Are the two figures in the card wearing their flag, or the away football strip? Sharing the cup between genders. When I first saw it the tower reminded me a lot of Evertons logo. Hi Jessica. . The other cup on the pedestal does stand out, doesnt it? Thank you. I think it can be the Netherlands. Argentina will win the final. Cheers to all. Most of the participating countries are Christian. Quite incredible. Merry Christmas. Croatia would qualify as religious thank you for checking. The shirts are similar to the away strip too. Croatian colours are there in the two children/teenagers at the front. It is worth mentioning this will be the sixth time Croatia is trying to win the FIFA cup. I agree about the religious aspect, but that might be for other reasons, than a Morocco world win. I do wonder if the cup isn't symbolically handed to a female leader, or perhaps this 'young giant' captain will make a huge gesture towards women. As far as I know, Pisces and Jupiter represent a Christian nation and Islam is more related to Scorpio. I asked the same question and pulled temperance. Brazil will win The Qatar 2022 World Cup. The captain and leader, Lionel Messi, is a cancer sun and is very proud of this team. Check out our analysis and odds to see who has the best chance of taking home the title. PS: maybe they will refuse the cup because they are the moral winner and have nothing more to loose ..? Pope Francis was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and I cant ignore Jupiter in Pisces in the chart. FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. So it seems strange that this theme is discussed in the final. A couple of quick snippets about Leo nickname Messi that may make sense. In fact, the winning team may be youngsters. Id love England to do well, too. Malaysia managed to keep its hopes of further progress in the ongoing FIH Men's Hockey World Cup alive after a fighting 3-2 win over Chile in their Pool C match at the Birsa Munda International . The current revolution in Iran was started by young women protesting the death of Mahsa Amini who was brutally killed for not covering her hair appropriately. Your email address will not be published. So the Tarot (created by a feminist, Pamela Colman Smith) is elevating the reading beyond merely asking Who wins? to What wins. My former boyfriend from University was Croatian so I know how patriotic people from Croatia are (especially about football). Hockey World Cup India vs England Live. The girl is looking at the trophy on the podium as if it belongs to her. Just like taking the knee in support of diversity and against discrimination of all sorts. The pendulum has today correctly indicated re Netherlands v USA, USA out, and Argentina v Argentina, Australia out. Not sure what this equates to at this stage but there have been so many surprises and upsets already I am sure we will see more before the final plays out and after such an exciting game its seems like anything is possible. Loving all the comments from readers. Rashford was instrumental in free lunches for kids during the covid crisis in the UK for example. Brazil wins nr 5. 8nplay.com presents an astrology-based betting prediction on who will win the 2022 World Cup. Messi I read the follow on Wikipedia: Lets see. The mother and son relationship is a huge winner for fans at this tournament. Check out our analysis and odds to see who has the best chance . The star of Bethlehem flower is found mostly in Europe although it is also found in parts of North Africa and the Eastern coast of the USA. The male-female exchange is important. I read the chapter getting faster and faster and thinking ohhh I do that more than once, twice. I also believe that they wanted to prove themselves this year because of the memory (4th house) of their poor showing at the 2018 WC. Italy 2006. The 2022 FIFA World Cup just wrapped up its Round of 16 matches and is about to kick off (pun not intended) its quarter-finals. Very hard to resist not putting England forward again now Brazil has gone. This Tarot card works visually (what we get, with the winner, is exactly what is shown) but also with the numbers (six) and then the themed message which psychic people see beyond the illustration. Four cups below, one in the hand and one waiting. Thank you for weighing in. Its sad about Portugal but then I am still not over England and that referee. Cant wait for the final now. What do you think? Cant wait to watch this. If you are logged in and still cant download the book, please click on SUPPORT and they can help you. Football is a channel for quite a lot; it goes far beyond being sport. Best wishes to you and thank you for all the education. In your article you wrote about Jupiter in Pisces and that reminded me of the great conjunction theories that may explain the Star of Bethlehem. It makes the next Brazil game with South Korea even more interesting. And star sign analyst Stacie Aylane predicts Tite's team, Brazil will win the World Cup 2022. Jupiter is the ruling planet of this zodiac and is stronger in Lionell Messis horoscope than in Lloriss. And there is a connection to sport but maybe could be more of a fan or a schoolgroup etc. The St. Andrews cross is there and I did not know that Scotland took football to South America. No footballing heritage, too small, too hot, too mediaeval but not too rich. Jessica Adams does not reply to every comment and her replies are on a best-efforts basis which means your comment or question may never receive a reply. This is really so interesting. Many people also thought Croatia as its her sixth World Cup, but now we have Argentina and her sixth World Cup final. My initial reaction to the tarot card is that the winning team defeats a 4 time World Cup champion. Yes, the cup alone. The current revolution in Iran was started by young women protesting the death of Mahsa Amini who was brutally killed for not covering her hair appropriately. All are secular and predominantly christian countries as well. Morocco would also fit, and another reader has pointed out the Christian-Muslim crusade history. I still maintain that the card is about England especially the sharing of success between the man and woman. Lets see. Thanks for this link to amazingly, the Catholic News Agency! Today the German team stands by its position. It was when Morocco beat Spain and Hakimi immediately ran to his mother (who wears a hijab) and embraced her. Christophe, cest vrai, especially as we realise where this is now headed! Support does not reply to questions about comments as we assume by posting you have read and understand this comment policy. The 6th cup could be the coming world cup. Goosebumps are a sign your spirit guide has moved into your aura and has something to convey. some really interesting comments really enjoyed reading them all.Jessica are you going to be doing anymore of these on future sporting events? But behind the man and woman sticks out the building tower to the left. Oh, thats new information. Well-spotted. Who is the captain of Germany? As for the two cups that are set appart in the card, those might be the ones that Argentina won in 1978 and 1986. One thing that just struck me about something which you mentioned was that also a country which has won the world cup has a star under the badge. 2 amazing players, Messi and Mbappe both in the number 10 shirt (the X on the shield). Favourites in 2022 France and Argentina have opened with dead-even odds after both sides progressed to the 2022 final. Jupiter in Pisces may show up as religion within the team so I should really amend that to team or nation but either way, this final is a big push for spirituality or the church. The fate of the teams is so much in the hands of two great players: Lionell Messi of the Argentina team and Hugo Lloris of the France team. Lets see. Yes, the Cancer Ascendant during the World Cup Final nods to mothers. I believe it to be a Scorpio ruled card too. This is Croatias sixth World Cup since independence in 1991! I now want to go back and watch the replay, and Jordan Pickford. What about Pope Francis who is an Argentinian man wearing a robe ? Now that is fascinating, above X for 10. This is about a partnership, duet or double act and it's male-female. Only just spotted your word cup football prediction Jessica. Moreover, the current Dasha of Jupiter in his horoscope with the Antardasha of Moon will be a blessing. The boy and girl sharing each others success. Just my feeling:). I am getting to these comments rather late, and you wrote on 25th November, and its now 16th December, so my apologies. Ive said a bit more in your other post, but thank you for this complex reading of the Six of Cups. I wish WordPress allowed images in Comments and then we could see what you are talking about, but for now I will leave it to readers to check. You wanted Netherlands, I thought Brazil, but as people keep pointing out, Argentina is head to her sixth World Cup final. I wonder what were going to see happen in this final in December. That is the England flag on Judgement. Mars Retrograde in Gemini crossed over their natal Mercury and Venus in their 4th house during the WC giving them passion and ambition for their nation. Argentina is known for its Catholicism, wine, culture, food and the cross foreground could be the St. andrews cross Scots took football to South America. The Six of Cups takes you back to happy memories of the past. It would be quite literal, if Brazil went to Six Cups! Because Jupiter is strong in the Kendra and the Venus and Moon conjunction in the Kundli shall make him a hard competition in the finals! Germany is out. The players are religious and we have the stripes. An England win would have been ideal with the Lionesses romping in the stands, with a double male-female victory but unfortunately the Tarot has other ideas. All of which makes the final so much more interesting. May be its Croatia taking the cup since the tarot card show blue and red with cheetah prints in the middle in the dress of the girl. Time and the tarot will tell. Readers who are looking at the comments in this feature will be fascinated to see how the actual final plays out on television. Each year, more and more people cut the cord and sign up for streaming services. Now were talking. As far as the number 6, not easy to find, but I found out that France has won 5 major international tournaments: 2 world cups, 2 euro cups, 1 olympic cup. After a victorious performance in the last encounter, Indian team will look to continue their winning streak as they face England at the Birsa Munda Stadium in Bhubaneshwar. Football nowadays is meant to be inclusive and available to all to enjoy and not a thing that can be purchased and manipulated. A couple of readers agree with you here about Morocco. That iconic moment when the winning captain has his chance for a photo opportunity maybe it will be with her. YOU ROCK!!! 1996-2023 Jessica Adams Proprietary Limited. I saw the tarrot card and I think its Argentina. Once we know the winner, I will post all the photographs and YouTube clips that show what you and other readers are talking about so we can line them up with the card. Germany out, South Korea beats Portugal. Unusually for football, there is also a spiritual, entrancing, other-worldly feeling about the final. Just so happy for the people of Argentina. What Im not sure about is the female. Yes, despite the obvious sixth cup interpretation for the Six of Cups, and Brazil, the Tarot is not interested in being obvious. spread the word. He of coursespent a lot of time in Spain so backdrop of buildings Spain/Italy, He has 3 sons I think, maybe a daughter in future. Argentina, if not Brazil! who is walking away? Why? This card has been really hard to interpret for just these reasons. When you first posted this I used the tarot on your website to see what card I would get for the winner and I pulled the King of Cups. Looking at the chart again I was wondering if there was any significance in Chiron in Aries 11 56 being sextile to Mars in Gemini 12 21. There are 4 cups on the ground & he only manage to hold 1 cup. Thank you. It later added the 2026 rights in 2015.. What struck me the most from the card are the white flowers! The Six of Cups is interesting, because its not about gay men/boys or homosexuality in any sense. Germanys teen prodigy Youssoufa Moukoko will be the youngest player at the Qatar World Cup. This Tarot card has so many layers in it, and we wont know until kick-off. Theyve already beat two conquistadors with Spain and Portugal, and now they have the evil that is France ahead of them (can you tell Im biased against the French lmao). France in 2018 I dont see the male is departing in the card. They covered their mouth in protest. Quite right, literally the sixth cup. Germany did make sense at the time, but now we are also seeing the X hidden in the card. Only fallible of course. Croatias Part of Fortune was eclipsed on November 8, 2022 which is also their coachs North Node. Chances not looking great for England alas, but would be great if it turns out otherwise. I hope this happens but I do think something is going to happen even if it isnt this. [1] The original cup remains in FIFAs possession and is kept in FIFAs headquarters in Zurich. Over the moon for Messi and Argentina, and Mbappe is just brilliant. women, life. Talk to Astrologer on call and get answers to all your worries by seeing the future life through Astrology Kundli Predictions from the best Astrologers from India. With regard to the Six of Cups. A revolution, started by young women, to benefit women, with support by men. Is there going to be a symbolic handing of the cup to someone representing minority groups within football (or the winning team itself)? thats interesting! They are quite excited about this. The Libra Moon on the day is about fair play between different genders. Football also runs through our veins at such a degree that we refer to Maradona as God (D10S). I had no idea that one commentator said the players in the 10 shirt had the X factor amazing. Your published comment will appear on the website and in search engine results. Exciting time to be a Croatia supporter. As a user of this website you agree to be bound by our Terms and Conditions. Alan Shearer seems hopeful. There is possibility to see a clash between Lionel Messi and Robert Lewandowski in the upcoming FIFA World Cup match Because Messi's Argentina and Lewandowski's Poland team are placed in the same Group-C. Messi won the Ballon d'Or award last year by defeating Levandowski. Christophe. Fun isnt it! Well, the following gave me goosebumps: I saw the Moroccan football jersey up close in a news story last night just before going to bed, and you wouldnt believe it when you see how similar the white five-pointed flowers in Pamelas six of cups are to the white five-pointed emblem on Moroccos football jersey! And with so much thought on the technical sets, performance, etc., our astrologers have their point of view as well. Hi Jessica, Theres so much greenery surrounding the white flowers in Pamelas six of cups also, and red and green are the dominant Moroccan jersey and flag colours. The Moroccan womens team may well be represented by the girls hands on the golden cup. It is a whopper discussion about Tarot, astrology and footer. Religion also runs strong throughout the team apparently. The way the man is slightly bending the knee to his smaller female counter part and handing over a cup. Main Image: When Saturday Comes @WSC_magazine And, as Capricorn ambition is right through the chart, perhaps our Captain has his eyes on the sixth World Cup on that pedestal. Astrologically, Hugo Lloris is a Gemini ascendant with planet Mercury as its ruling planet. Before revealing the probable World Cup winners, the London-based astrologer revealed that most World Cup-winning teams are mostly made up of sportsmen with Aries or Virgo astrological signs. Comment. Hopefully Uruguay could win but doubt it very much For the first time in FIFA world cup history, France and Argentina will be opposite each other to fight for the great title. The St Andrews cross could also be MacAllister, whose family hail from Fife with Northern Irish connections could he score the winner? This is also Croatias coachs natal Sun and Luka Modrics exalted Pluto in his 1st house. Australian Government levied Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 10% is applied to applicable orders at checkout. The symbol of the French national football team (same for rugby) is the rooster. This is also about good times, good feelings, a champagne victory and some seriously good vino as well. Hi Jessica . Are we getting closer? Perhaps this could be a winner of the cup? One more thing about the cross being laid down in the story of Christ. We have a new contender for a World Cup winner. This could be any of the three Christian country contenders laying down the cross and walking away from the cup: Croatia, France, Argentina. At the moment most readers here favour Argentina. Football and politics have replaced the objects of Argentinians faith. Englands women win the Euros. I just found your post and I love it. This is so interesting! Well done on spotting the girls glove. Croatia played an amazing game with the young keeper Dominik Livakovi saving a penalty. Maybe! Hello Jessica, what a nice blog, positive subject after mutch negative news. They have the largest population.. Jupiter. Thanks again! I would really appreciate some feedback on my chart. Lets see. Lets extend the discussion in Comments. Could this be relevant, and I think the Angel above is blowing a horn or a trumpet. The outpouring of emotion/devotion from the Argentine people it is almost religious like. Wow!! I think this Tarot card has tested everybody as it is complex. Ill post all the photographs from the final in a feature called True Predictions, New Predictions, for the New Year, because they were so uncannily like the Six of Cups Tarot card. First you couldnt get more religious than Morocco- today they were calling on allah and blessing their butts before entering the field. Table of Contents show Who has chance to win T20 World Cup? The glove of the girl is important, it sticks out in all solid white. Welcome to Lunar New Year Around the world, its time to celebrate the end of the old and birth of the new, in Asian astrology. Who will win the World Cup? Thanks Cait. I think it could be France holding a cup on the throne (from World cup 2018) and passing it to Croatia. Thank you. It is also possible that we see a final dominated by a younger generation a generation of players who have been carefully schooled by their coach. This could signify a big win and success for them this year. 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