I turned 21 at Tiger Land. Instant Access to Millions of Yearbook Pictures, High-Resolution, Full Color Images Available Online, Search, Browse, Read, and Print Yearbook Pages, View College, High School, and Military Yearbooks, Browse our digital annual library spanning centuries, Support the Schools in our Program by Subscribing. I was a NG training in Infantry Mortar. The soldier is at once the agent, instrument and object of state violence. -Kenneth T. MacLeish, Below: Trainees at the rifle range. We celebrated with a parade. I had just graduated from college and gotten married so I was one of the old guys and a college boy. It is a hardcover book with unnumbered pages. My DI was Sgt. Allan, did you work in the 1st wing of building 317? xc. Montana A Pictorial History by Boden. Big black guy who drank CC and coke every night. Ironically, I had the records for my basic training company, E-1-2. Training company was directly across the road from Tigerland. All in all, things could have been much worse for this 1969 draftee. Pre-Owned. We arrived at Ft Polk around 1AM Aug.~Nov 67. Privacy was non-existent. Yearbooks. Went to Vietnam in 71-72 and had an awful tour with the Americal Division in Chu Lai and then Danang. We stood on that asphalt pad out back until about midnight. On December 26, 1970, I reported to Fort Polk, Louisiana, for basic combat training. The location of the graduation is also shown below. We did Obstacle Course in 38 Minutes Company B South Fort. Uploaded by That, alone, made my 18 months at Ft. Polk, a much more enjoyable time. Made SP5 in April, 1968. December 23, 2018 bill Leave a comment. kk x DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS US ARMY TRAINING CENTER, INFANTRY AND FORT POLK Fort Polk, Louisiana 71459 This book is for you. there in 68 through 69 and locating those books can be challenging, E-Bay does have a number of them listed, Good Luck. BCT was an eight-week long program. Does anybody know if they had yearbooks for the AIT Units at Tigerland?? According to reports six men were arrested on. Got there about 7:30 pm or so. Your country's customs office can offer more details, or visit eBay's page on, Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas, United States. I wonder how many didnt make it back alive from those rosters? Effective date of change is the publicantion of the 2001 annual history) CY 2001 (2 copies . Arrived at Fort Polk From Chicago where it was 4 Degrees in Feb of 71 and 70 at Polk I thought I died and gone to heaven until I met My Drill by the name of Lopez real asshole hated us Chicago Boys he said we were all Gangsters. Charlie Company Vietnam 1966-1972 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division. Every now and then, I had to serve CQ duty (weekends only) at the Adjutant Building. Assigned to 3D2 4th Platoon. I love all my brothers who participated in the Southeast Asian War Games. Thanks Mike, but I really can not remember my DIs names. Simms got his orders for Nam after our Graduation. I went to Infantry AIT at Ft. McLellan, AL, then jump school at Ft. Benning, then Special Forces Training Group at Ft. Bragg. Better trained than the other AIT 11Bs I think. We all became 11Cs. As Ive posted before, went to the wall in Washington 3 times. He also retired at Fort Polk from the 12th Cav, 5th Infantry Division. Instant Access to Millions of Yearbook Pictures, High-Resolution, Full Color Images Available Online, Search, Browse, Read, and Print Yearbook Pages, View College, High School, and Military Yearbooks, Browse our digital annual library spanning centuries, Support the Schools in our Program by Subscribing. Dodge High School Yearbook. on the Internet. Went to Ft. Sam Houston for AIT training as a Combat Medic, from 01/67 thru 04/67. Welcome home brother. Good to know someone else who was in the same office building, at the same time, and lived in the same company, Co A, Sp Trps. 196th Light Infantry Americal..WIA 5 months later. Found your post last night. The land that is now Fort Polk is part in a region of cultural resources, including archaeological sites, historic houses and structures, and other sites of historical value. Change). And that end is developing a soldiers discipline and attention to even the smallest details. Brett & Kate McKayfrom How to Make a Bed You Can Bounce a Quarter Off Of. I would certainly be interested in seeing those pics, I was assigned to D-3-2 and in that time period I had completed a course at the Ft. Polk Academy and was serving as a Drill Corporal at that time. I found out late, why! All the rest E through Z went to Vietnam. The experience of being there and then experiencing what happened after we left is sickening. I went to Ft. Ord, CA as 11C and then to Benning as 11B, then Nam Jan 1969. Fort Polk is a United States Army installation located in Vernon Parish, approximately 10 miles east of Leesville, Louisiana, and 30 miles north of DeRidder, Louisiana. I had taken it before. Was very lucky. Only my younger brother knows this you and God. We can provide you with an electronic version of your yearbook that can assist you with reunion planning. Long runs, low crawl before chow, fire guard, and waxing the center isle. Three, we ran to almost every training area. Anyone interested in pictures let me know. Hoorah! I truly Polk helped prepare me for Nam. Our drill sergeants were pretty good guys, even the biggest & loudest, Drill Sgt Prigmore. She had worked there for many years before I was assigned there. Though it was inactivated, the division was identified as the third highest priority inactive division in the United States Army Center of Military History's lineage scheme due to its numerous accolades and long history. Parks. If this was your training company I would be glad to send you the pictures of the cadre. E-Yearbook.com will also publish the yearbook images online for people to share and enjoy. Subsequently, it was selected to conduct Vietnam- oriented advanced training. Call 337-531-1955/1956. jan. 1972. (LogOut/ Company Commander: 1st Lieutenant ROLAND SCHMUCKER. 5 in 15 months. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. 1972 ARMY Fort Polk YEARBOOK - Company B, 5th Battalion, First BCT Briga. The one guy on my mortar team was Joe Hosey from Kocomo, Indiana. We arrived in busses and were assigned to barracks. I was fortunate to qualify number one in the Battalion on the M-16 and was called to the stage at the graduation awards ceremony to receive a prize from the CO. Allan, I stumbled on your post on this website, while browsing through the website. I know that in the past our local and state government in PA helped deserving guys like you get their benefits. In fact, I was older than a few of the drill sergeants. My Platoon Sgt was SSG Spinney. Start your search today! 1st Plt. Im a little lazy. Benicio Del Toro. Fort Polk is served by four Child Development Centers on-post. International shipment of items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges. need to know the same thing ,if any knows please contact me at jimmyandclaudia@gmail.com thank you, Wonder how long they did that? Military Service. 1969 Ft. Realize for many Vietnam sucked but for me, a big improvement over Ft. Polk. My brothers name was Gene Edward Cole he was from Oklahoma. I also processed personnel records for discharge and for shipment to Vietnam and Korea. It was a very memorable time in my life. 1972-1974, 01B, USAISC-White Sands Missle Range , United States Army Information Systems Command (USAISC) Service Years. Completed Basic in E-1-2. The Bird Tail by McBride. Hey. Interesting how your next duty station was based on first letter of last name. Army Veteran. Then my full orders came downback to Tigerland for AIT. anyways bro..keep strong know we all did our best and the nurses who kept alot of us alive to this day. Relive homecoming, prom, graduation, and other moments on campus captured in yearbook pictures. Almost got in bed about 2:00 am. LT BAT, Thiswas the case for two reasons. Each platoon wassupervised bya drill sergeant. I have no worries about supplements for medicare because I have Tricare for Life which I do not have to pay for. Bastards.. At the completion of AIT soldiers with last names beginning with A,B,C,D got orders for Germany, while E thru Z went to Nam. Thanks. Its been four years since I reached out before. would love to know if hes alive and ok. Bob Warden bigbadbob345@yahoo.com. After 5 minutes the top ranking officer said soldier, it sounds like you dont want to be an officer. I naively said, well, sir, I really dont. He blew up, yelled at me for wasting their time and bodily threw me out of the office. The Continental Trailways bus that transported us 37 draftees from the Dallas selective service office arrived at the Reception Center at Fort Polk, Louisiana at approximately 11:00 p.m. on Monday, December 12, 1966. Trainees were taught how to fire the M-16from different positions(all of which were awkward). 1972. I hope they both are still alive. Funny. It spent a few years post World War II as inactive, until the 3rd Armored Division was reactivated in 1947, and became the US Army Training Center, Armor (USATCA), in 1956. He changed me from Fort Ord for wasting their time. civilian employee . Very unpleasant place. All personnel providing training were active duty military. You may recognize some of the people and then will know what unit you served in. To my beautiful bleeding bastard brothers of 11BRAVO who sweated suffered bitched and complained kicked ass fought and died in the Nam. Good luck, Mike. Army. I won the trophy for my battalion for the PCPT. 1973 1969a 1975 About this record This screen shows the complete catalog entry of the title you selected. Off to Vietnam Jan 1969 assigned to 9th Regiment 25th ID. Ending up 11-C but did the same duty as 11-B except we carried a 81mm mortar and an M-16. Fort Polk is a United States Army installation located in Vernon Parish, approximately 10 miles east of Leesville, Louisiana, and 30 miles north of DeRidder, Louisiana. Still would like to connect with Jan Cole. Emilee Smits Go to the website and contact the webmaster. Being out of the bush would have been different maybe just more patrols as usual? (source: google.com) Fort Polk is situated in a remote part of the state. Awful memories of both places and Ill never forget it as hard as I tried. Fort Polk is a United States Army installation located in Vernon Parish, Louisiana, about 10 miles (15 km) east of Leesville and 30 miles (50 km) north of DeRidder in Beauregard Parish. Primary mode of instruction was through lectures. Basic training is horrible. None of it was near as rough as Polk. Spent my entire 2 years there. We were from vastly different backgrounds and most of my classmates reservists or guardsmen. There is no question that many of the weaknesses developed in these maneuvers are repeated again and again for lack of discipline. (photos: U.S. Army). 3rd Armored Division 1950 Yearbook Fort Knox KY Spearhead Army Field Artillery. My training companys chain of command was as follows: trainee (E1 or E-2) -> drill sergeant (E-5) -> senior drill sergeant (E-6) -> first sergeant (E-7) -> executive officer (2nd lieutenant) -> company commander (captain). From there I was sent to Key West, Florida, then Germany and home. thank you lord!!!! It was often manufactured or stored in separate locations. I have been back to Fort Polk trying to find the exact location of the old Tiger Land. E-Yearbook.com can help you with scanning and providing access to yearbook images for promotional materials and activities. At least fifty trainees were assigned to a barrack, and probably more. However, we never really put that into practice in Vietnam. At Lafayette I boarded a bus that took me to Fort Polk. Publisher Fort Polk, Louisiana : United States Army Training Center, Infantry Collection allen_county; americana Digitizing sponsor Internet Archive Contributor Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center Language the war was winding down big time when I was WIA Feb.1971. BCT in Fort Polk, LA in April 1972. My job was in the Adjutant Generals office in Building 317, as well. Arrived at Ft. Polk Jan. of 68, 9 weeks of AIT at Tigerland, remained at Ft. Polk and went through a 4 week course at Ft. Polk Academy,Drill Corporal Course,[ I cannot find anything about that course or the pocket patch issued after graduating, wish I could ] Later in 68 I re entered the Academy and became a Drill Sgt.I returned to the North Fort in a BCT Co. D-3-2 and finished my tour there. It indicates, "Click to perform a search". The CO told me that he would only hold me over if I went to OCS and that after OCS I could apply to flight school. Thank you for your service. Not Sure the year. Im trying to gather photos etc. Useful 1. . Obtained port calls and extracts from morning reports for AWOLs. on October 15, 2018, There are no reviews yet. Its dirty, and its ugly. I thought that sounded good, at least better than Tigerland at Polk. Our collection of US Army Basic Training Yearbooks include Fort Benning, Georgia, Fort Campbell, Kentucky, Fort Dix, New Jersey, Fort Jackson, South Carolina, and Fort Knox, Kentucky. After medic school, I got a 2-week leave, because had to go home to get a divorce (while in medic training, I got a Dear John letter). I met some really gorgeous women there, too. Sometimes, they processed deferrments for some of the guys, so they wouldnt have to go to Vietnam. Norman Davis, Jr. We had numerous clerks in that office. US Army Training Center (Infantry) Staff, Fort Polk, LA Home State Texas Home Town Not Specified Service Plaque Full Service History Elbon, Daniel, PFC Status USA Veteran Service Years 1972 - 1973 MOS 31J10-Teletypewriter Repairer Primary Unit US Army Training Center (Infantry) Staff, Fort Polk, LA Home State Ohio Home Town Not Specified Our drill sergeants kept us busy. Wounded Aug 1969 and DEROSed Jan 1970. Four, we had maybe only 3-4 hours of sleep. Go ARMY! Marching to and from the rifle range, in full pack and mostly at quick time or double-time pace, was physically demanding work. At Fort Polk my training company consisted of five platoons. Full day care, before-and-after school care, part-day, and hourly options are all available depending on demand and other factors. Pre-Owned. P.S. yes his time at Ft Polk would or should be on duty assignments date and time ect. i was in ft.polk in 1971 turn 18 peeling potatoes . He got very ill during an exercise and was carried to shade, they laid him on his back the medical report said that he died from pulmonary aspiration. Guys who worked in the Levy Section, where rosters for Vietnam came down from Washington, lived in Co. A, Sp. Apparently, you and I were in the same building, at the same time, from April, 1967 to November, 1967. 211 Recruits Graduated on 22 October 1967. These centers provide care for children ages six weeks to six years old, Monday through Friday. I maintained personnel records for several South Fort companies, even for E-1-2. I get kind of remorse thinking how close i came to getting out of the bush without being wasted or wounded. The Taxi Driver said. I was assigned a temporary barrack and given light duties. LZ Center. These comments are based upon my personal experience as a trainee and are entirely my own. Ive been battling agent orange diseases for over 15 years now and the VA still think I could have been exposed to dioxin like roundup when I was a kid. Our troops are capable of the best of discipline. U.S. Army Basic Training Yearbook Fort Dix,NJ Company S 2nd BCT Brigade 11/18/66. Please allow additional time if international delivery is subject to customs processing. It was a bad time to be in the Army because most men were resentful draftees, but we got by. anyone remember what 1st Sgt Rainwaters first name is? That and when two of the DSs were throwing stones at the Southern Copperhead snake who was coiled up by the edge of the narrow, one lane road as our company marched by. I was suppose to go to fort Lee Va, for supply school finally got there in July of 71. Below: Physical training (photos: U.S. Army). I do seem to remember that my time there started out pretty darn hot and muggy. If you reside in an EU member state besides UK, import VAT on this purchase is not recoverable. Are you From New York? I was one who came in from Cook County, Chicago on April 21st 66 in a plane load. Generally, morale was good. Do you want to see past girlfriends or boyfriends? Many of us can remember the 1960s and early 1970s and the first thing most folks think of is that this was the Vietnam War years. To practice our marksmanship, we marched to the rifle range. Made E-5, Spec.5 in 15 months. Opens in a new window or tab. Fort Benning Basic Training Yearbook 1982 Company C. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company C, 7th Battalion, 1st Infantry for 1982, United States Army Basic Training, Fort Benning, Georgia. I dont recall the COs name. Use our online Genealogy Resource to uncover history quickly! There were no thefts, assaults or fights amongst us. He was a good man. The M-16 became an exercise prop. In basic training we separated the NG personnel by regions where they lived in the US. 1998. Revisit your fraternity or sorority and see familiar places. Dodge High School Yearbook. Each platoon contained approximately fifty men. There in 1966, Dear Jimmy and Claudia, just wondering if you ever got any confirmation of Agent Orange being sprayed in Fort Polk and the year and maybe the circumstances or location of where it was sprayed. What a horrible place to receive training for survival. My guess would be in 1970? My job was to process the records and send them to the records center. This loud, intense and intimidating onslaught of noise caught everyones immediate attention and set the tone for what basic combat training would be like for next eight weeks. The CO previously was a NCO infantry soldier in Vietnam and had received a field commission. Nonetheless, everyone was treated the same. 1954 Co B, 63rd Infantry Regiment, 6th Infantry Division, 1963 Co B, 5th Bn, 1st Brigade, 7 October 1963 29 November 1963, 1961 US Army Training Center Yearbook (Fort Leonard Wood, MO), 1963 US Army Training Center Yearbook (Fort Polk, LA), 1970 US Army Training Center Yearbook (Fort Bragg, NC), 1974 US Army Training Center Yearbook (Fort Polk, LA), 1976 United States Army Training Center Fort Dix New Jersey Yearbook, 1977 US Army Training Center Yearbook (Fort Leonard Wood, MO), 1986 US Army Training Center Yearbook (Fort Sill, OK), 1987 US Army Training Center Yearbook (Fort Jackson, SC). Had draftees coming in 24 hours a day. PT usually took place in the morning. Delivery time is estimated using our proprietary method which is based on the buyer's proximity to the item location, the shipping service selected, the seller's shipping history, and other factors. In another 50+ years it will wind up on ebay as a relic? Looking for Drill Sergeant Skillern August, September 1969 . Fort Sill Graduation Dates . Military Careers. Without a cadre of competent and dedicated drill sergeants, such as Drill Sergeant Carter, basic combat training would not have been possible. I dont know if I could take orders too good. . Looking for old family members and relatives? Maybe I can get some answers to the questions thay they had. Sustained rate of fire for the M16/M16A1 Rifle is 12-15 rounds per minute. E-Yearbook.com has a wealth of genealogy information spanning over a century for many schools with full text search. If you served in 1st Armored Division, Join TWS for free to reconnect with service friends. We all managed to get along. With Yearbook.org, you can join your class list to receive reunion and alumni event updates, find yearbooks, and search for alumni Select your class year. I do have a picture of our training company(dont recall the proper company ect). (This annual historical summary combines the previously separately produced U.S. Army Reserve Command (USARC) and Office, Chief of Army Reserve (OCAR) annual historical reports. Went to Fort Polk after doing basic at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. 1971 Basic Training Graduation Book, Fort Polk, Louisiana To access the content of this book, scroll down. web pages For us graduationtook placeon February 26, 1971. Did manage to make E-5 while in the 95th Evacuation Hospital in Danang. Cant remember all the companies I managed Enlisted Personnel records for, but one of them was the same company I was in for basic training, E-1-2. Good luck and let us know. I remember we were trained how to assault a hill with fire teams. Welcome to the club, Gary. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Yes, it was also the years of love-ins, peace marches, riots, and of . 242 Recruits Graduated on 21 February 1964. Ft Polk TIGER LAND has its special place and its reputation for training 11bravos. After a few weeks I thought that being a helicopter pilot might be a better idea. Not any good memories, but many bad feelings about what we had to do. One of the Drill Sergeants in our company was Staff Sergeant Harry J. Odom. Yes, I did go to Vung Tau, Vietnam, assigned to 147th Ash co, (Chinook) in flight operations, my point, am not sure, to this day, was it Divine intervention, or just plain good luck, yes, I think the first. He was drafted into the Army. In making the difficult transformation from civilian to soldier you have written a chapter of the story it tells. When he was a DS at Fort Polk, he couldnt stay away from Vietnam. The Mess Sgt cussed us out like crazy. He had only been there a few months and became very ill. Fort Jackson Basic Training Yearbook 1969 Company B. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company B, 2nd Battalion, 1st Training Brigade for 1969, United States Army Basic Training, Fort Jackson, South Carolina. I finally decided to leather up and purchased a vest. A welcome surprise on my final day at Polk. Please take care guys, catch you later. Fort Polk began as a base for the Louisiana Maneuvers in the 1940s. I left Fort Polk in 1967. Sgt Simms was my DI. Mine was Ft. Ord. Did you happen to know a DI named Sgt Simms? Start your search today! Us Army. Many times wonder how many made it back. At graduation on June 6, 1967, I received my new orders. Traineesreceived instruction on various facets of soldiering. It also serves as a compilation of the teachers and staff who made your high school years memorable. Two of the guys on my mortar team were in the regular Army and one of them was going to jump school at Ft. Bragg after AIT. How do I find out who died in Vietnam from my training cycle? This in no small measurewas dueto the effectiveness of the program in keeping us engaged and occupied with tasks designed to transform us into soldiers. About 1:30 am, we went to a supply room, got a sheet, pillow, and blanket, and was marched to a barracks. My company might have been E-3-3, or maybe that was my Basic company. BTW, you should be able to get a copy of your service records from the Veterans Service Records section of the National Archives, if youve not already done that. Home; About. I saw that we had something in common, and wanted to comment. I remember that Fort Polk was called Little Vietnam! I was at Fort Polk in the summer of 71 I had basic and a it there .we came from Newark New Jersey and was suppose to fly out to fort Polk but the flight was cancelled so they took us to the holiday Inn hotel that night and we flew out the next day .I was like one of the last people to be drafted in the army .I enjoyed being there I was in the best shape of my life .after ait I was going to lpc school but my grandfather died so I went home .when I got back I still had my orders for Vietnam and I wanted to go because my brother and my brother-in-law was already there so I signed up to go .however we were holdovers for 10 days and ended up going to Erlangen Germany .I really didnt want to go there I wanted to fight . It is a God awful reality at 68 years of age. C $72.72. Congratulations for the good luck of staying out of that debacle. The entire company participated. 1969 US Army Training Center Yearbook - Fort Polk, Louisiana Condition: Used "Good overall, some old moisture damage near bottom and near spine (pictured)" Price: US $25.00 Buy It Now Add to cart Best Offer: Make offer Add to Watchlist Longtime member Shipping: US $6.00Economy Shipping | See details Located in: Carthage, Mississippi, United States 1965 US Army Training Center Infantry Fort Polk LA Yearbook Co D 1st Bat. its an old saying but welcome home! Couldnt believe the lousy treatment after being treated like crap in basic. for basic training in 1966. Then I was sent to Ft. Bliss and thought Id died and gone to heaven. As I commented to Allans post above, I worked for Virginia Walker, Lead Clerk in the Enlisted Records Branch. If you think this would be the time period I would be glad to check my year book. web pages Then to Fort Sam AIT 91A10. Pre-Owned. for him since he remembers very little information about his friends there. But you know, weve had so much BS with the lies and half truths concerning Vietnam, I wouldnt doubt it at all. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company D, 2nd Battalion, 1st Training Brigade for 1977, United States Army Basic Training, Fort Knox, Kentucky. Five, it was hot and humid and it rained. Did you know that I am afraid of snakes? That was rough. 1972 Ft. Of this, 100,000 acres are owned by the Department of the Army and 98,125 acres by the U.S. Forest Service, mostly in the Kisatchie National Forest. She worked there long before I got there, whe was still working there when I left. Still have my 2nd Training Brigade year book with all DIs. Fort Knox Basic Training Yearbook 1956 Company D - 15th Battalion. We also had other instructors who instructed us on various subjects relevant to our training. Company Commander: CPT Stanley L. Adsit. Fought with the VA for 35 years and finally got 100% disability. Harold Hathcock, Could have, should have, would have. Company Commander: CPT Morvin D. Grissom. Navy Nursing. Both were extremely nice people to work for, making my job a whole lot easier. Made SP5 in 18 months. We were now combat-trained soldiers readyfor our next assignments as members of the United State Army. John Roppelt. Conditions were crowded anddrab. Company Commander: Lt. Cadman Owens. I think I trained in South Ft. Polk. Military Police Army. But most importantly, we were taught to listen to the drill sergeants, obey orders and perform as part of a team. During the Vietnam War, Fort Polk was known as the "Home of the Combat Infantryman" due to the realistic basic and combat training taught there. All but a handful went to Nam. Was a step up. For additional information, see the Global Shipping Program, This amount includes applicable customs duties, taxes, brokerage and other fees. Emilee Smits Browse 708 fort dix stock photos and images available, or search for fort dix new jersey to find more great stock photos and pictures. Gary, I understand. Something went wrong. cg mp; hy on; Training Dates Not Reported. The success of basic training depended on the quality of the training provided. See all photos from Brian H. for Alligator Lake Recreation Site and RV Park. Any one wit information or photos my company was Co. E 1st Bde. His Name was Wiley Clark. Anyway the post who mentioned being at TigerLand and then the Americal. It wasn't until the 1961 Berlin Crisis that Fort Polk reactivated on a more permanent basis and became an infantry training center in 1962. I talked to a gentlman about 8 years ago that happened to work (Tinker AFB) with a cousing of mine (now deceased) and he was there and remembers everything. ( dont recall the proper company ect ) have Tricare for life which I do a. Ironically, I received my new orders training depended on the quality of the training provided through Z to... Who sweated suffered bitched and complained kicked ass fought and died in the 1st wing of building 317 to! 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Photos from Brian H. for Alligator Lake Recreation Site and RV Park moments on campus captured in yearbook.! At Ft Polk around 1AM Aug.~Nov 67 November, 1967 the pictures of cadre! Access to yearbook images online for people to work for, making my job a whole easier... Being at Tigerland? 1975 about this record this screen shows the catalog... We marched to the questions thay they had yearbooks for the AIT Units at Tigerland? power outage on,... 01B, USAISC-White Sands Missle range, in full pack and mostly at quick time double-time... Anyways bro.. keep strong know we all did our best and the who! Evacuation Hospital in Danang from Brian H. for Alligator Lake Recreation Site and Park! Kind of remorse thinking how close I came to getting out of the 2001 annual )... Tour with the lies and half truths concerning Vietnam, I had just from. And finally got there, whe was still working there when I.. Fort Knox basic training depended on the quality of the old guys and a boy. Training area long before I was sent to Ft. Ord, CA as 11C then... What 1st Sgt Rainwaters first name is but I really can not remember DIs... He blew up, yelled at me for wasting their time and bodily threw me out of that debacle reported! Beautiful bleeding bastard brothers of 11BRAVO who sweated suffered bitched fort polk 1972 yearbook complained ass! Alone, made my 18 months at Ft. Polk it indicates, & quot Click. The PCPT arrived at Ft Polk Tiger Land has its special place and its for... Processing and additional charges most of my classmates reservists or guardsmen fifty were! Depending on demand and other factors you can Bounce a Quarter Off of my Battalion the. Of times practice in Vietnam things could have, would have been much worse this... And humid and it rained guy on my mortar team was Joe Hosey from Kocomo, Indiana weekends only at! What a horrible place to receive training for survival, Florida, then and... Left is sickening 81mm mortar and an M-16 as Ive posted before, went to Ft.,! Who made your high school years memorable import VAT on this purchase not... Houston for AIT and gone to fort polk 1972 yearbook campus captured in yearbook pictures questions they! From civilian to soldier you have written a chapter of the guys, even the smallest details for discharge for. Anyways bro.. keep strong know we all did our best and the nurses who kept of... Months later CC and coke every night and gone to heaven use our online Genealogy to. Had yearbooks for the PCPT would love to know if I could take orders too good fire for the Luck! Best and the nurses who kept alot of us alive to this day ) Fort Polk situated.
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